by Benjamin Corral

Last Saturday, Christopher Columbus High School sent two robotics teams to compete in the Miami Coral Park/Bots for All robotics tournament in Miami Springs. The teams competed against 48 other teams in a total of 6 matches. Both teams ended with positive records, finishing with 4 wins and 2 losses. The first team consisted of Alessandro Fernandez, Erick Gonzalez, Nicholas Guzman, Christopher Guzman, Cristian Tobchi, and Brandon Rizo, while the second team consisted of Anthony Perez, Mario Villaverde, Daniel Khoury, and Jorge Gonzalez. The teams placed 8th and 21st respectively.
The Robotics team learned a lot from recent competition and gained insight into what it takes to reach the next level, and eventually qualify for states.
Senior Alessandro Fernandez said, “For this past competition, we basically started fresh by rebuilding our robot. It meant working through lunch breaks and after hours as time was limited and we, also, had to keep up with our course loads. Hence, we need to analyze what worked and what needs improvements, learn from mistakes made and work diligently to engineer a robot that will give us a chance to win states and qualify for World competition.”

Although both Columbus teams made it to the final elimination match, they both fell short of winning. Despite this, the teams qualified for the State Championship in March 2023 where they will face the top 40 teams in the state.
Senior Alessandro Fernandez added, “We are very proud to be representing Christopher Columbus High School at states. It is really a recognition of hard work, dedication, brotherhood, and mentorship by our mentors, Mr. Rodriguez and Mr Soto.”
Overall, the Columbus robotics teams saw great success at last Saturday’s tournament. Good luck to our robotics teams going forward, especially at states.
The Columbus Robotics Team were state champions in 2019-2020 and that team advanced to World’s in Kentucky.