by Brandon Spaulding
Gliding through the serene waters of Biscayne Bay, the Columbus Rowing Club, under the expert guidance of Andres Mendoza and principal Pugh, transforms high school athletes into champions. Partnering with the historic Miami Rowing Club, founded in 1973, this team not only competes but thrives in the fast-paced world of competitive rowing."
As club president Gabby Mendoza states, "The rowing club is a great club to join in Columbus because it gives you the chance to join and be a part of the sport. Unlike football and basketball where they put you on a bench, in rowing you are put on a boat no matter how inexperienced you are."
Mendoza notes how rowing is a mix of cross-fit and weights, giving you a good workout for the day. Through the rowing club, students also get to meet people outside of Columbus and have the chance to make new friends.
For example, Columbus Rowing Club rows with people in MAST, Ransom, Coral Reef, and more. Through the rowing club, you get to compete in regattas, which are rowing races, giving you the ability to win medals to put up on the wall.

"I personally see rowing becoming a fully-fledged rowing team in Columbus and also being fully sponsored by people," Mendoza said.
Additionally, the club gives students the opportunity to compete in local, state, regional, and national competitions.
“It felt nice bringing something that I enjoy like rowing to Columbus, and I’m happy that other people can share the same opportunities that I do with the school,” says Vice President Arthur Leal.
The MRC was founded by veteran Cuban exiles who competed for the old country’s clubs and shared a passion for the sport. This achievement rapidly enlisted veteran rowers from US colleges along with local novice rowers.

“It’s pretty cool because from MRC, we came over and made a club at Columbus so we can help kids or get kids to join the MRC, so it’s kind of like a joint. So, we put little advertisements for kids to come up to check out the club or see what it’s like to be there during the day,” says Rocco Bevilacqua, a member of the club.
This rowing club would be an excellent way to expose people to the rules and regulations of the sport. Not only is it a wonderful time to be out on the water, but it also serves an important purpose.
Would you be interested in rowing?

Rocco Bevilacqua said the sport brings so many benefits.
“It’s important to me because I see it as a great full body workout and a competitive sport as well. You get to travel, which is really cool, and you meet a lot of cool people from all over the country and the world," he said.
Physical and mental health are crucial. Not only can you get a full body workout, but you can create new connections with people you meet while traveling and competing.

“Out of the club, if you end up joining MRC, you definitely get a great sport, you meet new people, and you get a whole new experience that you can learn from. It’s a great way to learn a routine to help you self-improve on your physique or wherever you’re working towards," he added.
The Columbus Rowing Club is a spectacular way of partnering with the MRC to compete in rowing competitions and to stay fit. Go join the club today and have a journey of a lifetime on the water.
All photos provided by Columbus Rowing Club.
Awesome exposure for this fast growing sport at Columbus! Well written Brandon. Thanks!