The tradition is back! In alphabetical order below:
I, Julian Acuna, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: want to thank every single one of my teachers throughout my years at Columbus. But I want to thank Ms. Leonard for the impact you had on my life. From the way you teach but most importantly the way you governed yourself and how you were understanding and were able to connect with me as a student. I want to wish you health and a prosperous life.
I, Gianluca Adessi, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Frazier: my zoom room and background; Mr. Leon: Being a great teacher and very fun classes; Mr. Gulesian: The email at 3am.
I, Brian Aguilar, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: the rights to “Cap” and my nickname “B-rian” to Mr. Busatto; to Mr. Baez I leave behind the memory of always being the first one to join the Zoom classes; to Mrs. Mallafre I leave behind the rights to my nickname “Big B”; and finally I leave behind the greatest gift of all, having the pleasure of meeting me, to all my teachers.
I, Nicholas Aguilar, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Ms. McCullagh, even though our classroom was full of 'cornballs' you did an exquisite job teaching our class and I learned plenty in your class such as the filibuster. In the past 4 years, you did the best at getting the material across and I'm happy I ended up having you for 2 semesters.
I, Connor Alentado, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: leave Mr. Corazon with compounding interest; I leave Mr. Frazier with my speaker sound system; I leave Mr. Armando Rodriguez our constant IP address changes; I give Coach Caddy Deville the constant squeaks in the halls; I leave Papa Dukes with the constant trash-talking (because he is bad at basketball); I leave Columbus with some of the best memories I've ever had.
I, Alejandro Alfonso, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mrs. Essig’s Beowulf obsession; to Mrs. Leonard's “boar problems”; to Mr. Benitez and his WWII/Street smart class; to Ms. D and her eternal edpuzzles; and to Mr. Busatto for the best homeroom class where I get my sports recaps for any news I missed.
I, William Allen, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazon, a reminder to always quote your home and auto insurance; to Mr. Pelegrín, students who want to orally read when instructed; to Coach Linfors, a successful pooch kick in the future and a net behind the field goals; to Mr. Ciocca, a lot more dry erase markers and a real speaker to play music before class; to Mr. Busatto, dry-aged ribs from Franklin’s BBQ when I finally go; to Mr. Ortega, a functioning smart board and pen to go with it; to Mr. Hermida, a better Nerf gun to “help” students after getting a question wrong; to Mr. Davis, a thicker coat to deal with the arctic conditions in your classroom; and to Mrs. Galvez Cuesta, a better sound system so the whole LBC can hear the meetings. I will always remember the memories I have made both in and out of the classroom. I can never thank my teachers, coaches, and counselors enough for shaping me into the person I am today. Adelante!
I, Juan Almeida, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to OB always enjoy your long speeches that would last the whole class, with a bunch of sleepy students paying attention to learn; To Mr. Busatto who taught me how to use programs that may or may not use in the future but made it fun anyway; To Mr. Santa Maria that made it enjoyable in talking about how the world works and economics; To Mr. D Rodriguez that made it easier to understand English; To Mr. R Rodriguez that made math enjoyable and fun to learn.
I, Kevin Alonso, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto a baby fox; to Mr. Ulloa a signature from Harrison Ford; to Mr. De Tuya an electric guitar; to Mrs. Reynaldo a new science lab; to Mr. Mendoza a new high-end bicycle; to Mr. Davis a trip on the El Camino; to Mr. Corazon my stock portfolio; to Mr. Pelegrin a single Cat in the Hat book.
I, Stefan Anzola, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Kumer, a copy of Interstellar so that he can finally watch it about 2 years after my research paper was written; to Mr. Hermida, more bullets to go with the NERF gun I gave him to hit his students when they get an answer wrong; to Mr. Busatto, a better jump shot because his is broken (he quite literally might have the nicest three pointer I’ve seen but I still have to talk smack); and a house in Venice since I’ve found out we’re both from there (shoutout to 23andme); and to Mr. Baez, a Giants 2023 Super Bowl season.
I, Sebastian Aristizabal, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Lynch, I leave my healthy knees that were barely used in football, and I'm coming back with Angelo; Mr. Corazon, I will never forget every single word that has come out of your mouth because all of it was important; Mr. Busatto, keep leading the new generation; Mr. Benitez, for the last time, I don’t play soccer; Mr. Gulesian, I'll try to keep the mentality and style of being a “gangster” and a “smart player” in your words; Coach Caddy Deville, I can't wait to see you outside of school and call you Matthew with no repercussions. Best regards, Adelante.
I, Daniel Barcelo, being sound and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto, Heat win the Finals in 5; Mrs. Leonard, an UNFORTUNATELY poster; Mr. Trujillo, Arsenal will never win the Premier League or The Champions League; Mr. Leon, a pet goat that represents him; and Mr. Benitez, raising us to become alphas and not fall to the system.
I, Aaron Barrios, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Harriman a gaming computer for your desk; To Sra. Folch a Lollipop; to Mr. Busatto someone better than you at PIG; to Mr. Alegret some diapers for mini Alegret; to Dr. Lee more chocolates; and to Ms. Essig, students who beat our Jenga record.
I, Mikey Becerra, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto: I leave a stolen door stopper; Mr. Moro: I leave being the best president and bickering with Lazar; Doc Lee: I leave more of my mistakes on Kahoots; Ms. Insua: I leave more filled classes; and Ms. Essig: I leave South Park episodes.
I, Jackson Begrowicz, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Cooper many more broken instruments; to Mr. Harriman the money that the club owes him; to Mr. Crossman a vegan patty at the next feast; and nachos for Mr. Hermida.
I, Jordan Bermudez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Lynch, access to the prison known as the Hole™; to Mr. Ferguson, a crown to fully complete the Ferger King arc; to Mr. Santa Maria, to fully complete those economic movies; to Mr. O’Brien, mediation that allows you to handle us after teaching for so long.
I, Devin Bracci, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. O'Brien another unicorn stick to throw at people.
I, Julian Bustillo, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazón, an entire class that doesn’t use the word “um”; to Mrs. Acevedo, a class with students knowing there’s a test that day; to Mr. O’ Brien, a class that reads Band of Brothers; to Mr. Moscoso, for his classroom door to be left ajar; to Mr. Busatto, a worthy replacement for his Jeep Grand Cherokee; and lastly, to Mr. Pugh, thank you for the greatest four years of my life and being a great leader for all of us to follow.
I, Zion Cabral, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Ciocca, may you continue to put on his music before every economics class; and to Ms. D, may she be able to meet Sigmund Freud.
I, Daniel Cabrera, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Benitiez a new student to make you question your students; Mr. Busatto another person to constantly flip your nameplate; Mr. Ferguson someone to listen to your life story one more time; Brother Al someone new to go on BLUE missions with questions about all there is about the brotherhood (while craving Flanigans); Mr. Santa Maria, a student to distract you in class as much as I did; And Mrs. Acevedo the best math teacher I have ever had and one last student to choke on his birthday lollipop on the last day of school. Thank you.
I, Damian Casamayor, being of sound, mind, and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Bowman that all of the classic sports teams that left Baltimore come back to Baltimore; to Coach Dukes that there are more people like me in his class; to Mr. Ciocca that you get some new stories to share with your needy students in the future. Also, to all of the teachers that I did not include, I want to thank you for making these 4 years the most memorable years in my life; I wish each and every one of you the best of luck in your lives.
I, Lucas Casamayor, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Weber for scams; to Mr. Santa Maria for good Kendall restaurants; Mr. Gomez for all the art projects; Mr. Busatto, for all the good account lessons; and to Mr. Corazon for helping learn about business.
I, Sebastian Castillo, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Benitez to conquer his fear of the Biltmore; to Mr. O’Brien to join the revolution; to Ms. Acevedo to send Sebastian Castillo down for a haircut.
I, Victor Castillo, being of sound mind and body hereby bequeath an eagle for Ms. McCullagh.
I, Jorge Cereceda, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. De Tuya, a semi-normal debate team and several cabinets full of debate trophies; to Mr. Ciocca, students that will READ the graph; to Ms. Vessiere, an endless supply of French pastries; to Mr. Busatto, numerous wins; to Ms. D, more "strange" questions; to Mr. Machado, a Stanley Cup for the Florida Panthers and many more great car-ride conversations; to Mr. Daniel Rodriguez some black tar and many "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOMs" from Westside Gunn; to Ms. Taylor, students that don't use plastic water bottles; to Mr. Hermida, a wife for Sean Mendez; and finally to Mr. Pugh and the rest of the Columbus faculty that has played an important role in my development for the last 4 years, countless thanks.
I, Juan Carlos Chaoui, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr Delgado, thank you for turning me into the man I am; to Mrs. Insua, thank you for believing in me and supporting me the way you always have.
I, D'Angelo Chavez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Dr.Lee the daily class prayer; to Ms.D I leave the playful banter and dynamic of I and Sebastian in her class; to Mr. Busatto I leave the awkward and witty comments between Hart and me.
I, Nicholas Cooper, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: A thank you to Mr. Cooper for teaching me more about music despite my reluctance in class; Mr. Pelegrin for your entertaining stories in class that would always connect to the story we were reading; and Ms. D Rodriguez for your enthusiasm in class.
I, Alejandro Corbo being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Connell my hoodie that I’ve been wearing every day in senior year so that you could keep it and never forget about me; to Mr. Busatto I hereby leave with an unlimited amount of business cards. I will also leave you a Steven so that you can never get bored and have someone to correct every five seconds.
I, William Corrales, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Levy, A book on how to take care of your car properly and a coupon for a free oil change; to Dr. Lee, A long vacation to Jamaica and a coffee machine in your classroom; to Mrs. Martinez a book on how to sleep better and somewhere to get cheaper snacks; to Mrs. De La Osa, My car so you can finally have another Toyota 4Runner but with AC this time.
I, Alan Cortes, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Santa Maria, I give you thanks for all of the funny moments in class; Mr. Benitez, the teacher that would give the best advice especially when it is mostly about women and to give the best advice about life; Mr. OB thank you for all of the funny moments that happened in your class they really were fun times and to have you in class told me a lot about mostly life than the subject you were teaching but still thank you for all the great advice; and I also thank Mr. Busatto for all the fun moments in your class.
I, Jason Cruz, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Leon, more incline bench reps with 225 lbs. and more "The Godfather" analysis sessions.
I, Gino Defaz, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: first of all has to be Mr O’Brien, one of the funniest teachers to have. Makes history feels like an amusement park always fun; Then Mr. Weber after two years I don’t think I would even survive math without you, unbelievably funny, very tough though he gives a lot of work but at the end of the day, it's worth it; Then there's Mr. Leon, one of the kindest gentlemen in the school, one of the most chill, able to hang and connect with everybody student and staff, and generally makes school so much fun; Lastly, there's Mr. Busatto, who makes class very simple he’s flexible to with work and doesn’t overcomplicate things.
I, Justin Diaz, being sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Santa-Maria I am so glad to have you as one my teachers during my journey at Christopher Columbus. During my rough days just being in your class cheer me up no matter what and your sense of humor is like no one else. You being a Manchester United fan was a huge surprise despite the club being a circus in recent years. It was fun to talk football with you since you were pretty knowledgeable of the sport. So I guess I would like to say thank you for the great memories and #lovekendall.
I Luis Diaz, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: making Mr. Leon the next president of the United States; and Brother Eladio to live forever.
I, Nikolas Dimitrakis, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Garcia-Casals, a Spanish literature class that reads the stories; to Mr. Baez, a classroom that knows what chemistry is; to Mr. Pelegrin, students that can complete assignments on time; to Ms. Taylor, a clock that sounds "CHICO" at every hour; to Mr. Crossman, a tree; to Ms. Brown, my passing AP stats score; to Mr. Hermida, an apology; to Dr. Folch & Mrs. Gonzalez, all the love they deserve; to Mr. Ciocca, students that won't see "so what you're saying is" coming before they answer his questions; To Ms. D, a movie that stars her life from all the stories she told us; and finally, to Mr. Pugh, for being the most supportive person and the most passionate guide Columbus could ask for.
I, Luis Dulzaides, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Busatto a sign saying 'I am him' so all of your future students know that you are always right in terms of Computers; To Coach Clark a massive lock so no one steals any of the soccer balls again; To Mr. O'Brien even more patience then you had with us; To Dr. Saavedra more 20 point curves. Thank you to all of Columbus's teachers who helped me be the best possible me. GO EXPLORERS!!
I, Daniel Ebner, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Diaz, I want to thank you for dealing with my ADHD; To Dr. Saavedra for giving me an A every quarter.
I, Jorge Enriquez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath, my two favorite teachers, Mr. Busatto and Mr. Campbell. They have taught me so much this year with both of their classes being a ton of fun and I looked forward to attending their classes.
I, Daniel Estopinan, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Chica a passing grade on the exit exam on the first try; I thank Mr. Pelegrin for putting up with me in class even though Gus probably told you not to; I thank Mr. Hermida for the letter of recommendation that I did not send to a single school.
I, Damian Fernandez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazon another -80; to Mr. Delgado, Ryan's Twitter profile and the long lost sigma; to Mr. Baez teaching me how to make ice cream from scratch.
I, Gavin Fernandez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Busatto I gift my Heat tickets to game 3; to Bowman I gift Ravens tickets; to Dr. Dugard the Bible; and to Mr. Pugh Steelers tickets.
I, Chris Ferrer being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Corazon, a clone of Fox who actually does his homework on time; to Mr. Pelegrin, a search history that has a strange theme of dead bodies and holes in trees; to Mr. Ortega, a crate full of “I survived Ortega” shirts (some of the students wanted a refund after taking AP Calculus); to Mr. Soto, a clock that even Omar can’t mess with; to Mr. Ciocca, a rightward shift of the demand curve for the AP Macroeconomics class; to Ms. Taylor, a lottery ticket for every plastic water bottle that you see in your class; to Deacon Dugard, a back scratcher; and finally to Mr. Crossman, a student who actually does the Sunday Night Journals.
I, Carlos Fitzcarrald, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Busatto, a ridiculous shot you can beat me in PIG; To Mrs. Noy, more candy to give me; To Mr. Corazon, always stopping in the middle of class to laugh at someone sleeping; To Mr. Santa Maria, a reminder that we have 5 champions leagues; To Mr. Lynch, becoming a supporter of South Hampton at this point; To O'Brien, a girlfriend for Winston; To Mr. Campbell, a sign that says "cash money Campbell"; To Mr. Ulloa, your own funko pop; To Mr. Linfors, your own barber shop in Columbus to cut students' hair; To Mr. A Gonzalez, a copy of the Declaration of Independence; To Mr. E Gonzalez, a signed Messi jersey; To Doctora Folch, mas estudiantes como yo.
I, Manny Fraga, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath to Mr. O'Brien. While you think I always had my nose in my computer and not listening, in fact I was. I was absorbing everything you said and learning how to lecture the way you do, so when I become a teacher my students can remember my lectures the same way they remember yours.
I, James Friguls, being of sound and body do hereby bequeath that Mr. Busatto is the biggest capper, but he does occasionally have good aux.
I, Helmut Gaensel, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto finally playing me in a 1v1; To Mr. Corazon always giving me minus 80 when I'm not paying attention; To Mr. Campbell to thinking his Cowboys will ever beat the best team in the NFL (The Eagles); To Mr. G for always being there for me since the beginning of my Columbus journey; To Mr. Harriman for letting me play FIFA in the game room.
I, John Myles Gallimore, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Pelegrin the fountain of youth; to Mr. Trujillo a new hall monitor; to Mr. Santa-Maria the key to Kendall; to Mr. Morrissey a cruise trip with my father; to Mr. Amador his full head of hair back; to Mr. Campbell a dinner with Lebron; to Mr. Corazon a trip to Siesta Key to play pickleball; and to Mr. Busatto Pat Riley making moves in the off-season.
I, Joseph Gamez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto I will not be seeing you during summer but you are a real G moving in silence like lasagna; To Mr. Weber thanks for the black belt in factoring; To Ms. Gonzalez Rojas thank you for pushing me through my freshman year - I wouldn't have made it this far without that; and Mr. Moscoso thanks for all the IXL.
I, Luciano Gamez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Cooper, my freshman, sophomore, and junior year here at Columbus were not as fun as I thought high school would be, but when senior started that all completely changed. Music has always been my escape from reality. In my own time all I do is listen to my favorite artists, play drums, guitar, and being able to go to school and learn RadioHead, Jamiroquai, and Weezer songs with you and the class and then performing them for school made me really happy. Also, your class was just awesome, from your life advice, to our music conversations, and endless jams. It really made coming to school feel exciting and I didn’t dread coming or waking up in the morning. All I can say is thank you for being by far the greatest teacher I’ve ever had, and I can’t wait to play at graduation.
I, Alexander Garcia, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazon, minus 80 and many filler words; to Ms. Taylor, a very large plastic waterbottle; to Mr. Busatto, a trampoline to make Skyzone basketball in the classroom; to Mr. Davis, some red hair dye to bring it back to the old days; to Ms. D, an actual classroom; to Ms. Martinez, a label so people know which drawer the snacks are in; to Ms. De la Osa a day of peace and quiet in your office; to Brother Herb, enough pre-wrap to make up for the countless rolls I used up; and finally to Coach Levy, another pair of Jesuit shoes (hopefully they make you faster).
I, Taylor Garcia, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mrs. Taylor, no more plastic water bottles; to Mrs. Brown, all of us paying attention in class for once; To Mr. Corazon, -80; To Mr. Ulloa, more collectibles; To Mr. Busatto, a new basketball rim; To Mr. Pelegrin, another successful Eagles season; To Mr. Ciocca, more singing before class; To Mr. Hermida, a healthy Shawn Mendes; To Mr. O’Brien, awake students; Thank you to all these teachers and those not mentioned for making my Columbus experience something to remember for the rest of my life.
I, Julian Gonzalez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazon famous phrase, "Never say um to me"; to Mr. Benitez, "Dale chamaco"; to Mr. Moro " LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO"; Mrs. McCullagh " you foolish mortal"; Mrs. De La Hos "puntos, puntos, puntos!!; and Mr. O'Brien " is it time to play school"
I, Manny (Mango) Gonzalez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Gomez, my art teacher, to forever be amazing and let me come back as his assistant soon; To Mr. Ulloa, my junior English teacher, to keep telling amazing stories that made me bust out laughing; To Mr. O’Brien, my WW2 teacher, for giving me an amazing class to end my high school career; To Mr. Oses, for giving me an amazing class to start my freshman year; To Mr. Santa Maria for starting off my senior year right and hilarious. If I had to choose a favorite teacher it’d have to go to Mr. Gomez, the art teacher. He has been an inspiration for me and just an amazing artist, teacher and friend. I hope to come back as his assistant to help him out as much as he has during my last 2 years here. Thank you to all the teachers I didn’t mention and especially the ones I did. I’m very grateful to have come to this school and have your impressions left on me for a long time.
I, John Goran, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Pelegrín the gift of the Devil’s Advocate so you no longer have to act as Devil’s Advocate; to Mr. Amador, my undivided attention; and to Mr. Deville, a Harvard law degree.
I, Matthew Gory, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Senora Khan-Roberts, I leave you my singing voice because I know how much you love to sing; To Mrs. Essig I leave you my laziness I always love just going to your room and being able to chill out.
I Christian Guaida, being sound of mind and body hereby bequeath: to Mr. Benitez for taking a chance on me.
I, Guilherme Gunter, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath to: Mr. Corazon, don't ever say um to me; to Mr. Santa Maria, Salah> Rashford; to Mr. O’Brien and his hilarious stories about college; to Ms. D and her coffee addiction; to Mr. Fernandez, Khabib owns Mcgregor; to Mr. Ortega, I’ll get a haircut someday sir. Thank you to all my teachers throughout my 4 years at Columbus, I thank you all.
I, Nicholas Guzman, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazon, not screaming at every student who ignores him minus eighty; to Mr. Ciocca not to tell every student who gets their answer wrong read the graph. Thank you to all the teachers that left an impact in my life.
I, Derrick Hart, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Coach Weber, there are few people that have changed my life, but you are one of them. When Columbus was first founded they were inspired to have a strong sense of Brotherhood, and to not only make Jesus Loved and Known, but to make sure we knew that he was present within each and every one of us, and the people around us. When I first walked into your class, I was a Jr. that heard many stories about the famous Coach Web’s Math Class, but little did I know what awaited me. People say a school is to educate young minds so that we can have a sense of complex learning. Well, I say a school is an institution that teaches the youth life lessons so that they may survive in the real world. The difference between those teaching institutions and ours is we don’t teach our students to survive, but we teach them to thrive, and you are the prime example of this. You’ve been through a lot within your personal life coach, but every day, and I do mean every day, you come to work with the goal to better us as young men in an uplifting way. You make us work every day, never days off, you said “ if I give one day off, that’s a day you didn’t get better. Life doesn’t grant us days off. So we're going to work, and work, and work all the way to the end.” It’s the small things that you do that make the biggest difference. Now you may never know the full impact you have had on my life, but. I, Derrick L. Hart thank you.
I, Jorge Hereu, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr O’Brien teaching history to a class full of students. Giving us a bunch of knowledge he’s picked up in his 40 years at Columbus. I will always remember going to his class and having a great time.
I, Christopher Hernandez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to the funny moments in OB’s class when he would mess with kids that were sleeping; to Mr. Moro who inspired me to take math class seriously during freshman year.
I, Ryan Hernandez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto, “I’m going to buy you a Dodge Durango Hellcat”; Mr. Benitez, “The world needs burger flippers”; Mr. Santa Maria, “Barcelona beat Man United in 2011”; Mr. Fernandez, “FSU is better than UM”; and to Mr. Weber, “Schism”.
I, Andrew Illa, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Pelegrin, I leave my LA Fitness membership as I know how much you miss it by how highly you speak about it; To Mr. Corazon, I leave behind my compounding interest because that's the number one thing you taught me.
I, Adrian Jimenez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, a new classroom with better chairs; and to Mr. Corazon: a class that pays attention
I, Maximo Jimenez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Gomez the strength to always follow what he loves in life; to Mr. Busatto the patience to deal with the subterranean creatures that attend his class (myself included); and to all of my fellow students, the passion and responsibility to follow their dreams and never forget what you forged in this school.
I, Alejandro Johnson, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath that I will show up to all Columbus bowling matches. I have nothing else to say.
I, Christian Joseph, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Ventura, all of my Rick and Morty artwork as they will be famous one day so hold on to them. I also will leave all my digital art for the art museum. The red ball that you would throw at me every time I fell asleep will be missed - even though the ball is no longer red.
I, Frank Kowalski, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Ms. McCullagh, a 5th period class of students who stand for prayer when the bell rings; to Mr. Detuya, an absurd amount of franks (hotdogs); to Mr.Ulloa, a zoom call with John Carpenter; to Ms. Brown and Ms. Alonso, an efficient and competent SAC board. These teachers and more made my experience at Columbus one I’ll never forget.
I, Andrew Lago, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, for bringing back a childhood classic; To Ms. D for not teaching me how to conquer my gf; and lastly to Mrs. Alonso for allowing Nico and I to kidnap her llama.
I, Jake Lakatis, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Deville, more students who look up from their iPads; to Mr. Pelegrin, a personal assistant to help clean up after your daughters' vomit and diarrhea; to Ms. D, fewer kids who faint in your classroom (my bad); to Mr. Fernandez, presentations that were as good as my fencing one; to Mr. Marti, a board that doesn't constantly flicker on and off; and lastly to Mr. Nunez, a guidance assistant as good as I was.
I, Lucas Lapido, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Dr. Lee, kids trying to prove they have more degrees than you; and to Mr. Fernandez periods worse than period 7 communications and per 5 computer apps.
I, Nicolas Lavin, being of (relatively) sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Ludwig Baez: the admission that I know no basic chemistry; to Mr. Daniel Ciocca: the necessary tuition payments for my attendance at Mr. Ciocca’s College of Knowledge™; to Mr. Gerardo Gonzalez: the promise that all future Remind messages to me will receive an immediate reply of “Read”, “Received”, or “Yes sir”; to Br. Peter Guadalupe, Br. Tom Long, Mr. Fernando Machado, Mr. Alberto Rodriguez: McDonald’s for every Tuesday night I may return to the chapel; to Mr. Javier Hermida: the ability to navigate the DC Metro without getting lost; to Mr. Paul Kumer: the legal right to represent the Khumerian Union and its interests at Columbus; to Br. Albert Rivera: prayers that next year’s batch of seniors turn in their hours quicker than us (however unlikely); to Ms. Daniella Rodriguez: all the flashcards I never turned in, whether they were graded as assignments or quizzes; to Ms. Christine Taylor: every single-use plastic water bottle I’ve used on campus, which is none since I always bring a reusable one.
I, Franco Leal, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: texts to Mr. Pelegrin about how the Cowboys are superior to the Eagles, calls to Mr. Busatto about how I do know ball and the Knicks will win the series; my successful billion dollar business to Mr. Corazon after I retire so he'll take it over; my 5 on the AP exam for Mr. Hermida *shoutout Herms*; calls to Ms. D concerning my mental health and for general future advice; an oath to Mr. Amador that I will never put my feet up on a chair again; and calls to Ms. Romero concerning my math grade in college.
I, James Leal, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto, Ms, Essig, Mr. Harri, Mr.Leon, Mr. Mendoza, and many more if I had everything, I'd give you guys something to make life a little bit easier thanks for all the advice that’s shaped me into who I am today. I'm not good with words buts it's love for all of you guys, and the knowledge and advice I’ve been given here at Columbus is something no one can steal.
I, Tomas Leibkuchler, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mrs. Foyo, a class that always turns their work in on time; To Mr. Kumer, a class that always has work in by the deadline and more flags of all varieties in the classroom. I also bequeath to Mr. Kumer the trademark of stretchmark Tommy; To Mr. Ciocca, a class that always properly reads the graph and a class that laughs at all of your dad jokes; To Mr. Baez, an AP Chem class that actually pays attention and seniors who take the class seriously and I also bequeath a forensic class that actually gets work done; To Mr. Davis, another Buen Camino; To Mr. Pelegrin, another opportunity to get out of Miami and for more PB&J’s; To Ms. McCullagh, a class who never walks in late and who are always clean-shaven; To Coach Caddy (Mr. DeVille) a lunch table that never leaves food behind and O-Linemen that always keep their heads out; To Coach Hill, another Lineman with long hair that you can shave out of jealousy because you are bald; To Mr. Moscoso, Garrigo, and Trujillo, a proper MMA ring and wrestling mat to see who the best grappler really is; To Coach Swasey, a team that never gets injured and always does their side lunges; To Br. Herb, a football team that never gets injured every five minutes; To Mr. Busto a football team that doesn’t take all of your tape pre-game; To Coach Dunn, a football team that is always clean-shaven with short well-kept hair; To Coach Fernandez, a team that always does Columbus Jumping Jacks perfectly; To Mrs. Clute a brand new pen and pad for writing late passes; To Mr. Lewis, a group of seniors that always properly writes their essays; To Mrs. Galvez-Cuesta, a set of seniors that don't use your office more than you and a set of Silver Knights that have all of their work done before the deadlines; To Mrs. Amador, more Taylor Swift tickets and a better A/C so your office can be even colder; To Mr. Linfors, students who always take out the garbage, never step on the seal, and a special teams unit that never messes up; To Mr. Connell, a football team that never asks to borrow your scissors, screwdriver, or zipties. I want to thank Columbus not only for being the best four years of my life, but for entering me into the best club a man could be a part of Adelante! Explorers for Life!
I, Bryan Lima, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Corazon not screaming at me to get off my phone and not letting me turn in late work; and to Mr. Amador to stop giving 100-question crossword puzzles every day
I, Sebastian Lindo, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, my Lil Wayne The Carter V vinyl; to Mr. O'Brien a baby panther and Floridian flowers; and to Mr Santa Maria all of my MDC merch.
I, Christian Lugo, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: As I write this last will and testament, I want to express my deepest gratitude for all the guidance, knowledge, and care you have provided me throughout my academic journey. You have played a significant role in shaping who I am today, and I will always be thankful for that. To Ms. Essig, my English teacher, I leave my sincere appreciation for helping me discover my love for literature and writing. Your passion for the subject was infectious, and your classes were always engaging and thought-provoking. Thank you for challenging me to become a better writer and for instilling in me a lifelong love of reading; To Mr. Campbell , my math teacher, I leave my appreciation for your patience and dedication in helping me understand complex mathematical concepts. Your ability to simplify difficult topics and your willingness to go the extra mile to ensure your students understood the material was truly admirable. Thank you for teaching me the value of hard work and persistence; To Ms. D, my psychology teacher, I leave my gratitude for inspiring me to explore the wonders of the natural world. Your enthusiasm for science was contagious, and your lessons were always engaging and informative. Thank you for instilling in me a curiosity and appreciation for the world around us; To Mr. OB, my history teacher, I leave my sincere thanks for making history come alive. Your passion for the subject and your ability to connect historical events to modern-day issues made your classes both educational and entertaining. Thank you for showing me how the past informs the present and for helping me develop a broader perspective on the world. To all my teachers, I leave my appreciation for the time, effort, and care you have invested in me. You have not only imparted knowledge but have also shaped my character and helped me become a better person. I am forever grateful for the impact you have had on my life.
I, Gabriel Maceira, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: you have all played a significant role in shaping me into the person I am today, and for that, I will always be thankful. To my English teachers, thank you for teaching me the power of words and for igniting a passion for literature within me. Your guidance and encouragement have inspired me to explore the depths of my creativity, and for that, I am forever grateful; To my Math teachers, thank you for challenging me and pushing me to my limits. Your unwavering support and patience have helped me develop a strong foundation in mathematics, and for that, I am indebted to you; To my Science teachers, thank you for introducing me to the wonders of the natural world. Your enthusiasm for the subject has fostered a love for learning and a curiosity that will stay with me forever; To my History teachers, thank you for showing me the importance of understanding the past to shape a better future. Your lessons have taught me to think critically and to appreciate the complexities of the world we live in; To my Language teachers, thank you for opening up a world of possibilities for me. Your dedication to teaching me a foreign language has broadened my horizons and allowed me to connect with people from all walks of life; To my Art teachers, thank you for helping me express myself through creativity. Your guidance has allowed me to develop a sense of aesthetics and an appreciation for beauty in all forms. Lastly, to all my Teachers, thank you for being my mentors, my role models, and my friends. You have given me the gift of education, and I promise to use it to make the world a better place.
I, Alejandro Martinez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: my computer to Mr. Busatto, for the hours of work we have done in his class; my brain to Mr. Ciocca for frying it every day I had his class and challenging my brain every day, every quiz, and every test; sleep and rest to Ms. Brown.
I, Michael Martinez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: grant for Mr. Busatto free access to the basketball gym so I could beat him in real pig; grant Mr. Ciocca a class that appreciates music; for Mrs. McCullagh desks that don't move by themselves; and for Mr. Hermida, a class that can consistently pretend to be A.P. students.
I, Bozidar Maslov, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Benitez to face to face with the Biltmore Ghost and face his fears.
I, Miles McGee, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Ciocca, a class with no wakey wakey; to Mr. O'Brien, a world without me and Sebastian; to Mr. Hermida, my left airpod; to Coach Campbell, COACHHHH CAMPBELLLLLL; and to Mr. Busatto, thanks for being the goat.
I, David Melo, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: My Crypto Portfolio to Mr. Corazon; my sauceless wings to Mr. Pelegrin; and my thanks to Mr. Fernandez for being the best teacher I've had in my four years.
I, Andres Mendoza, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Thank you for all the Teachers that helped me throughout my high school career. I wish all teachers well. I feel like I came a long way from my Freshman year and I am the person, I am now, thanks to some of you guys. Thank you Mr Diaz for showing me my interest; Thank you Mr Morrissey for passing your class; Thank you Mrs Vinson for all the help; Thank you Mrs De La Osa for helping me get into college; Even if I forgot to mention you, thank you guys all for making an Explorer.
I, Brandon Menendez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Dr.Lee a courtroom for the new incoming students so they can learn law and practice it from the best in the best setting.
I Gabriel Merheb, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Pelegrin for always lightening up the mood in class with stories and jokes; to Mr. Baez for always keeping the class fair and easy for the seniors; to Mr. Busatto for always keeping the curriculum in class straight to the point and easy to understand.
I, Luis Miguel, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Busatto I leave the most caps you have ever heard; To Mr. Moscosso, I leave a barbaric yawp; and To Ms. D, I leave a lifetime supply of Starbucks coffee.
I, Frank Nayor, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr Leon for teaching two classes at once. he was assigned to teach us an English class, but he taught us so much more. This includes life lessons, valuable advice for the future, and most of all, friendship. Mr. Leon is one of the most genuine and honest teachers. He would go out of his way to make sure everyone is doing alright. I leave Mr. Leon a thank you. The next teacher I would like to relish on is Mr. Busatto. With his kind jokes to set the tone for the day and of course the bball, it would always make me leave the room in a good mood, Thank you.
I, Diego Negrin, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto, thank you for being an awesome teacher. Over the course of the year, I personally feel like we have gotten closer in friendship. I love your class. Definitely took it for granted a bit. really wish I had your class in the second semester. But either way, I'm glad I had you as my teacher and glad I met you. You changed my life in ways you don’t even know. Thank you for letting me swing by your class for a bit and visit. I hope you read this and get back to me. I wrote more on paper. So I’ll keep it short and simple. I will never forget you or your class. Wish you nothing but the best!; Richard Amador, thank you for being not just an awesome teacher but an awesome person. I wrote more in a letter which I hope you will receive. So I will keep it short and simple. You don’t know this but you have impacted my life in more ways than one. I thank you for helping me shape my faith and find my calling. I will never forget you or your class sir. You mean a lot to me. Much love! Keep up that gym grind!; Philip Santa-Maria, just wanted to say thank you for blessing me with your presence. I wrote a letter to you which I do hope you read, knowing you. You might not even read it lol, but that’s fine. I took a picture of it so I can read it to you. Anyways thank you for making me smile and laugh every day. You are the funniest person I know. Your energy and the way you go about being a teacher is so chill and cool. I appreciate you a lot sir. You have helped me in ways you don’t even know. Just by being in your class, you helped me get through some tough times. I don’t think I can ever repay you for all the good times I had in your class. I will never forget you or your class. Wish you nothing but the best for you and your family! Much love and ill visit soon :)
I, Kevin Noriega, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Landera for all the early morning practices on a Saturday; to Mr. Corazon, for making me never say like or um again; to Mr. Moscoso for screaming whatever the lesson was that day; to Mr. D. Rodriguez a normal looking pinky and a Celtics team that can win a championship in this century; to Mr. Busatto losing in a 3 point contest; to Mrs. De La Hoz making me the golden boy; to Mr. Moro for all the good morning, afternoon, and evenings; to Mr. Santa Maria for introducing me to quizit; to Mr. Meneses making the best class in Columbus.
I, Camilo Nunez de Villavicencio, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Pelegrin, an entire classroom that'll know what a linking verb is; to Mr. Baez, a speaker so he can blast all the songs his children show him to the class; to Mr. Kumer, a class that'll do their assignments on time; to Mr. Ciocca, a button that screams "READ THE GRAPH, WHAT DOES THE GRAPH SAAAAY!!!"; to Sr. De La Hoz, a bottle of melatonin and yoga set for after your peloton sessions; to Ms. Taylor, a turtle figurine from Nassau that I might give you this year; to Mr. Hermida, a new inflatable animal to be the class mascot; to Mr. Ortega, a megaphone so you're class can stay awake; to Ms. McCullagh, a calendar that has a prayer of the day so it can match you're special deed of the day.
I, Christian Ordonez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Kevin Corazon, stickers that say MINUS 80; to Mr. Joseph Busatto, personal desk space; to Mr. Bruce Ferguson, fewer AP 1 guys and more AP C guys; to Mr. Paul Kumer, a podcast for Kumer Tales; to Mr. Keith Crossman, a lifetime supply of wax and a copy of "12 Rules for Life" by Jordan Peterson; to Mr. Wenceslao Ortega, 5 minute cooldown breaks between lectures; to Mr. Richard Pelegrin, little--easily frightened freshmen; to Mr. Daniel Ciocca, a SO WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS button; to Dr. Deacon Dugard, young men that learn to grow spines; and to Mr. Andres Aviles, smart board insurance and a fidget spinner.
I, Evan Ormazabal, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Alegret, a class where everyone pays attention; to Mr. Bowman, the Ravens winning a Superbowl; to Coach Kam, a team of disciplined players; to Mr. Connell, another fist bump; to Mr. Lynch, a Benzema jersey to let you know who owns Chelsea; to Mr. Santa Maria, a Haaland jersey; to Mr. O'Brien, a brand new truck; to Mr. Leon, your own classroom and an iPhone; to Mr. Linfors, students who pick up their trash; and to Mr. Baez, the best homeroom teacher.
I, David Oro, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mrs. Foyo, a better air conditioning system; to Mr. Pelegrín, more tests for bigger gains; to Mr. Santa-Maria, more action figures and stickers; to Mr. Davis, a new denim jacket for yours was taken away; to Ms. Vessiere, bottomless crepes; to Mr. Lynch, a suit of armor so you can stop getting hurt, and to Mr. Benitez, a Time Machine so you can go back in time to enjoy the 80’s again.
I, Daniel Oro, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Ms. Vessiere with my remaining bathroom passes.
I, Carlos Oses, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath the following: To Mr. Fernandez, I leave a group that actually has normal conversations; to Ms. Essig, I leave an essay worth grading; to Mr. Santa-Maria I leave a copy of some weird scary foreign films; to Mr. O’Brien I leave an honors class that's actually honors and the silent humming of the universe(136.1 hz); to Mr. Ulloa, I leave multiple DMs to keep the meeting going and a loaded die for the best of players; to Mr. Busatto I leave a link to Google slides and word; to Mr. Lynch, I leave a walking mech to get around the halls; to Mr. Bowman I leave all the cupcakes in the world to maybe last the class a good hour; to Mr. DeTuya, I leave a quote from your favorite student Maximo Oses “No, my mustache is completely different from his”; to Mr. Scholer, I leave a class of only seniors to fend off the freshmen and a Grateful Dead album; to Mr. Soto I leave enough extra credit points to pass everyone at Columbus and a computer you might enjoy using; to Mr. Pugh, I leave a fire extinguisher for next years Holiday Feast Club and maybe some food that wasn't cooked by a bunch of teenagers, thank you for letting us do things that at any other school would deem impossible.
I, Adrian Padilla, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath to Mr O’Brien, a personal IT assistant to help with all computer dealt issues. Thank you OB, I’ve had your class for three different subjects and all three of them have been great. Not only are you an amazing teacher but one of the smartest people I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting. Personally, my favorite class I've had with you was ww2 because of the endless knowledge you know of that time. With your wonderful and uplifting personality to your unique way of teaching, I was always excited to walk into your class. I have great respect for you as a teacher and the things you do for the school. OB I hope the rest of your Columbus career is well and enjoyable.
I, Lorenzo Patrizio, being the sound of body and mind do hereby bequeath: to Mr.Corazon, I leave behind minus 80 and the taking away do my phone you can keep my phone until I return to Columbus; To Mr. Busatto, I leave behind my FBLA medals and return my secretary of Business Club powers back.
I, Julian Pavetti, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To take it slow and remember that you have time.
I, Anthony Pena, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr Gulesian, a successful and fruitful business; to Mr Corazon, a class in which no student ever says filler words; to Mr Santa-Maria, a ticket to Las Vegas; and to Mr O'Brien, a class of awake and attentive students.
I, Brian Perez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto to 'litwally' never say "what the fawtnite?"; to O' Brien having a class full of Nick Delgado's and Mike Corral's; Mr. Corazon for shouting minus 80 and that he's going to crush us; to Dr. Lee thank you for always taking care of us seniors; to Santa-Maria being one of the funniest teachers I know. Lastly, to Mr. Corazon and Busatto, thank you for making every class more than worthwhile and making it enjoyable. Thank you for the many life lessons but if there's one thing I'll remember from you Mr. Corazon, it's that I'll be investing in the S&P500.
I, Demetrio (DJ) Perez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, someone that does all their classwork; Mr. O'Brien, did GOD send you here to test my faith?; to Mr. Linfors, real men take out the trash; To Ms. Brown and Mrs. Alonso, your Mr. Explorer whether you like it or not; to Coach Garrigo, what days do you work this week; to Dr. Lee, all the degrees you have; to Mr. Pugh, Mr. Marinelli, and Mr. Kruczek, Thank you for allowing me to attend the best school ever.
I, Jordan Perez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Delgado & Mrs. Insua, a year full of more STN awards and Emmy's; To Mr. Corazon, less minus eighties screamed in class; To Mrs. Marti, more students like me; To Mr. Santa Maria, more sports watch parties; To Mr. Leon, awesome music projects; Lastly, a big thank you to all of Columbus for an amazing four years!
I, Christian Pico, being of sound mind and body do hereby leave Mrs. D behind with a 1 on your AP exam, and leave Coach Kam with a set of twins with functioning ACLs.
I, Carlos "Charlie" Piedra, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr.Leon, a new Camaro, Dukes, another class full of Nick Delgados; Coach Trujillo, a linebacker group that asks more questions than Miles; and Coach Linfors a class that wears their shoes like a man.
I, Douglas Portillo, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. DeVille, a classroom with a big picture of the Minneapolis Miracle; To Mr. Benitez, a signed Red Sox jersey since he’s the biggest Red Sox fan I know thank you for everything sir; To Ms.Rodriguez, An alarm that says HII MRSSS; To Mr. O’Brien, A button to tell him who won the Monday Night Football game; To Mr. SantaMaria, An endless supply of Mr.Beast chicken sandwiches; To Mrs.Alonso, A life-size stuffed llama; Lastly Banyan Park, a change of name to the Banyon Collesium. Thank you for everything Columbus has given me It has been the best four years of my life.
I, Alexandro Puerta, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mrs. Fernandez a student who is late more than I am; to Mr. SantaMaria a new peloton treadmill; and to Mr. Busatto, I leave you an “open NGL cengage.”
I Davis Rabin, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: my visiting class time to Mr. Busatto, there was no other class I enjoyed more than yours to pass some time and crack some jokes with you; I leave my slacking off to Mr. Diaz, there was no other class I would spend as much time watching Edpuzzles compared to yours; I leave my laughter to Mr. Benitez no other teacher could make me laugh as much as you could if it was insulting me or saying I was the only student paying attention through the semester. I want to thank everyone for coming even if it was only for my money. I leave my car to Busatto, my bank account to Benitez and my dog to Diaz.
I, Hans Risvaer, being of sound and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Marinelli, mentioning Max's 1520 on the SAT; Mr. Busatto's absolute schooling in Pig; Ms. Vessieres forging of Mbappes signature; Mr. Hermida screaming at us for a tortilla slap; Mr. Kumer for being the swollest AP Euro teacher out there; Mr. Ciocca cracking some of the most complex jokes of all time; Mr. Ortega for making my new bedtime 3 am; and to Mr. Pelegrin some fresh protein powder and a brand new country music playlist. To all the other teachers that I have not mentioned, thank you for making these 4 years the best of my life.
I, Carlos Rivera, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Barrentine, another year of students calling you Barrendrip and another student who is really into cars like me; Mr. Ulloa, a new set of DnD dice; Mrs. Noy, another year of having to grade Edgenuity; Mr. Ventura, a new set of glasses that look like electrical wire; Mr. Meneses, another year of complete clowns passing Spanish class; Mr. Mendoza, another year of illiterate kids trying to read out their presentations to the class (clearly the person talking did everything); Mr. Frazier, a record deal for your song on the triangle triples; Mr. Rodriguez, another year of coding; Mr. Alegret, another picture of you when you were young and had a ponytail; Mr. Leon, more Godfather jokes (I'm leaving the note and taking the iPad); Mr. Marti, another episode of Friday Night Lights; Mr. Benitez, a haunted rocking chair; Mr. Busatto, a new Ford Explorer; Mr. Gomez, another skateboard accident; Mr. Chacon, another student willing to stop talking in class for a few extra points; and to Mr. Santa-Maria, more conversations that start normally and end very weirdly. Thank you all for a great 4 years.
I, Diego Rodriguez, being sound of mind and body bequeath: Mr. Pelegrin more accurate portraits of him on his board for him to remember his artistic students
I, Jaime L. Rodriguez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Trujillo. The last 4 years have really been something. You have always assisted me and my brother and done so much for the Rodriguez family with almost nothing to gain. Out of the goodness in your heart, you have guided me and my brother through the last 4 years at Columbus. You have talked to us, kept up with our activities, and always seemed interested in everything we were doing. You have been a very supportive figure in my life and at one point influenced my choice to even stay at this school. I wished that a lot of faculty would follow in your ways, you are very strict but fair. I could confidently say that if it came down to a Columbus student or the world you would always be in our corner to fight for us and guide us. Of course, Mr. Pugh and teachers like Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Morrissey and my coaches have had an impact on my life. I will always have your name in my heart. To one of the sole reasons for my Columbus experience, Thank you, Mr. Trujillo.
I, Mike Rodriguez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. O'Brien for being an amazing teacher and always saying "Rise Gentleman"; Mr. Scholer, always playing the best music in the mornings; Mr. Campbell, who has the best hairline; Mr. Chacon always reminding me to do the IXL.
I, Rey Rodriguez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to O’Brien for always making history fun and not boring; Mr. Leon for making us laugh more than learn; and to Harriman, don’t worry I’ll be back to bring you pizza.
I, Steven Rodriguez, being of a sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: I leave to my teachers presents in memory of me. To Mr. Busatto I leave a brand new golden Nerf ball and a plaque with my Win; To Mr. Santamaria New wheels for his rolling chair; To Mr. Weber, the city of Copenhagen; To Mr. Campbell a professionally hired student to sleep in every class; To Mr. O’Brien a replica of the WWII Plane that toured in Miami; To Mrs. Fernandez someone to be late to school every day; To Mr. Trujillo, a toupee; To Mr. De Tuya, a mustache comb; To Mr. Lynch new pair of legs; and To Mr. Gulesian, Wendy’s for breakfast every day.
I, Nicholas Rojas, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto my hysterical accents that I know he loves and laughs at every single time I do them; To Mr. De Tuya I leave the greatest club known to Columbus history, the jiu-jitsu club. Also to Mr. De Tuya, I leave my shockingly amazing debating skills, and more specifically I will leave my After Dinner Speech under the condition it is donated to Columbus Library to be hung up on the wall for all to be inspired by my genius. I congratulate these two for being chosen by me, the greatest student ever, to receive these gifts. Goodbye and Goodluck.
I, Santiago Romero, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Baez, thank you for all the fun stories in class and for giving me the most unique nickname I've heard in my four years in high school; to Sra. Gonzalez, a day when I'm not a delinquent; to Mr. Busatto, a day where you lose your Busatto magic; and finally to Ms. D, thank you for all the advice you've given me in and out of class and for all the great stories you've told us throughout the year.
I, Eric Romeu, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Baez, to pray that UM will get more than 5 wins next season; To Mr. Corazon, reminding us to never say “Um” to him during presentations; To Ms. McCullagh, reminding us of the importance of nature breaks; and to all the other teachers that I’ve had, thank you for making Columbus some of the best years of my life.
I, Daniel Rossi-Montero, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my heartfelt appreciation to Mr. Delgado, Mrs. Insua, and Ms. Rodriguez for their unwavering guidance and support throughout my time at CCHS. I would like to thank them for their dedication to their profession and for inspiring me to reach my full potential. I leave behind a deep gratitude for their encouragement, wisdom, and compassion. May they continue to inspire and empower future generations of students as they have done for me.
I, Armando Rubio, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Baez with the hopes of growing a full head of hair; Mrs. Cofresi with a sandal that comes back when she throws it; Mr. Croke with many more little grasshopper stories; Ms. Taylor with many plastic water bottles and shark tags; Mrs. Acevedo with a class who shaves and wears the right polos; Mr. Hermida with unlimited incense and the ability to throw more airpods out the window; Mr. Pelegrin with a lot of sunscreen for his bald head and whey protein; Mr. Chica with a pet frog; Mr. Corazon with patience; Mr. Amador with a basketball court in his room; and Mr. Ortega with being easy on the seniors for once.
I, Alejandro Ruiz, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto with a 15 year 30 points per game NBA career on the Heat; For Corazon, a way to stop yelling out minus 80 whenever a student annoys him; and for Mr. Weber, a state title in baseball.
I, Jorge Ruiz, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Busatto, beating you in Horse; To Mr. Corazon, owing you a boat day; To the school nurse, I never really had a headache; to Coach Staiano, speaking Spanish; To Ms. Gonzales Rojas, I'm still best friends with Ale; To Ms. Fernandez, always being late; To Mr. Leon, most entertaining class ever, To Mr. Pugh, Best principal of all time, thank you for my amazing time at Columbus.
I, Lucas Salazar, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Linfors a pair of scissors, so you can administer haircuts yourself; To Mr. De Tuya my blank flow paper, for however long I’ve been in debate I still have no idea how to flow; To Ms. Valdes my annotated chemistry table; To Mr. O’Brien Band of Brothers on Prime video, because the CD never works; To Dr. Dugard my Grateful Dead record collection, for you’ve always believed I’m a hippie; To Dr. Lee every crime scenario essay, it’s several pages long and has been written entirely under distress; To Mr. Oses a brain for brain sucker, I know he’s gone hungry; To Ms. Ciocca my final Reese’s Pieces and/or Snickers; To Mr. Diaz a finalized script on google docs, I hate using final draft; To Brother Eladio a dedicated freshman to take my place; To Ms. Essig a signed copy of Shakes-pears Hamlet, I hear you're a big fan; To Mr. Leon my Liberty And Justice For All Record; To Mr. Lynch I leave my debate lettermen, a new denim jacket and most importantly a competent incoming class; To Mr. G For all mankind on Apple TV, that show slaps; To Brother John my retirement home in Italy. Thank you all for the best four years of my life, truly there is no experience like Columbus. I will always remember my time here and thank you all.
I, Sebastian Sanchez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr.Corazon I hope you find a better hall monitor than me, you will be missed; Mr. Busatto you got really lucky these AP tests are going on.
I, Nicolas Sedano, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Busatto, A better end-of-the-week music playlist; To Mr. Gonzalez, finding students just as great as Diego and I; To Mr. Chica, being the absolute GOAT and a thank you for helping me finally have an idea on what to do with my future career; To Mrs. Reynaldo, a thank you for dealing with me and making me participate; To Mr. Scholer, being my absolute favorite class/teacher and a thank you for making it always such an amazing and memorable time in class; To Mr. Soto, a thank you for always helping me out this year and last year; to Mr. de Tuya, continued jujitsu improvement and success; To Mr. Amador, being the most memorable and favorite teacher I had from freshman year; and to Mr. Alegret, for being my favorite, most respected, and chill math teacher.
I, Tyler Stewart, being of sound mind and body hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazon, a classroom full of students that don’t say “um,” “like,” and “you know;” to Mr. Ciocca, a bunch of four-function calculators; to Ms. McCullagh, the Constitution; to Mr. Davis, another trip to the Camino de Santiago; and finally to Mr. Pugh, thank you for your time and effort to this school and my education!
I, Coltton Stouffer, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. OB, thank you for all the learning and mentoring; Coach Levy, thank you for always making fun of Andrew; Mr. Busatto; to more snipers only; Mrs. De La Osa, to more snacks in your room.
I, Gabriel Toledo, being of sound mind and body hereby bequeath: to Mr. Ortega, for being my mom’s favorite teacher; To Ms. McCullagh, for engraving the Constitution and all the Supreme Court cases in my brain; and to Mr. Baez, teaching me how not to be dumb.
I, Oliver J Tremols, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Pelegrín, I leave mice; to Mr. Deville, the class he wants to be approved; and to Mr. Campbell, I leave a lifetime supply of 5-hour energy.
I, Jose Triana, being of sound mind and body hereby bequeath: to Mr. Armando Rodriguez for bringing out my inner creativity and my inner patience with Autodesk; to Mr. Benitez for having engaging skills and comedy that make up for his lack of hair; to Mr. Leon for always having a sense of comedy as strong as your beard; para Mrs. De La Hos por enceniando espanol con espiritu; to Mr. O’Brien for being as engaging and entertaining as your age; to Mr. Santa Maria showing that even economics class doesn't have to be boring; and to Mr. Lynch for bringing out my inner philosophy.
I Tremonte Underwood, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: This School has been a blessing to me ever since I got here. Being at Columbus was fun and I enjoyed feeling the brotherhood experience here. I will miss being here but now it's time to move on to the next step in my life. Adelante.
I, Luis Uribe being sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Ferguson, from better photoshop, to sending more baby pictures, to saying more funny jokes in class, they keep me awake; To Mr. Moro thanks for being an amazing teacher and mentor. The Math Honor Society wouldn't be so good without you. Keep up your energy and enthusiasm; To Mr. Ciocca I leave you a book of better dad jokes; To Mr. Moscoso more emotional daily prayers; and to Mrs. Aycart thank you for being a great Science Honor Society moderator too many more good years to come.
I, Max Valdes, being sound of mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto for always telling me to play video games with him and never actually playing video games with me; to Mr. Corazon for always encouraging kids to do their best and making his class entertaining and useful; and to Mr. Santa Maria for making my 1st period a fun class that I get to enjoy daily.
I, Brian Van Hemert, being of sound mind and body hereby bequeath: Mr. De Tuya for always being a great friend and teacher to me and being actively involved in his students not just as a teacher but as someone who is there to help out no matter the situation; Mr. Weber for making the class fun and enjoyable but also easy to keep up and learn any topic we are learning; Mr. Busatto for making class always enjoyable, personally I not only feel like I've had a great teacher I also feel like I've made a great friend in the past two years of having you as a teacher. To sum up, I wanted to mention one person who was the biggest impact on my time here at Columbus I don't know what I would have done without you my dad Mr. Van Hemert even though he joined Columbus at the start of my junior year it was by far the hardest school year I've been through and I couldn't have done it without you.
I, Nolan Vergel, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Busatto, real ball shooters never touch the palm; to Mr. Weber, always remember to treat her right; and to Mr. Scholer, remember the zip lock bag.
I, Christopher Victores, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto thank you for helping us; To Mr. Corazon minus 80.
I, Joey Vilomar, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mrs. Acevedo with a math class with kids who don’t smell after attending P.E; Mr. Croke with many young grasshoppers; Mr. Corazon with students who don’t sleep; Mr. Pelegrín with a book on how to grow hair; Mr. Ortega with students who attend class; Mr. Baez with students who aren’t doing anything but pay attention; and Mr. Fernandez with kids who aren’t playing pranks. Thank you, Columbus giving me 4 amazing years to remember and creating a great foundation for success.
I, Alexis Vivanco, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mrs. Insua, a year's supply of Starbucks gift cards to compensate for putting up with me for 4 years; to Mr. Delgado, a Peloton with the ability to transport you anywhere you pedal to (known in some parts of the world as a “bicycle”); to Mr. Diaz, a signed copy of Attack of the Killer Donuts to take with me to Gainesville; to Mr. Crossman, a different way to climb down the abstraction ladder (maybe an elevator or the stairs), to Mr. Pelegrin, podcast equipment to record all of our pre-class conversations that always ended up taking the entire period; to Mr. Frazier, an infinite number of “hey bubs!” To last the rest of time; to Mr. Fernandez, another stack of 18 G’s for the holidays; to Ms. Rodriguez, a lifetime supply of chicken nuggies and a snow globe of the Hollywood sign; to Mr. Saavedra, a brand new standardized test book complete with an “Alexis Guide to Guessing” section; to Mr. Connell, a new cowboy hat because the current one has seen better days; to Mrs. Kenia-Gonzalez, a live tiger to replace the stuffed animal that’s in your room; to Mr. Ciocca, a new pack of markers to draw all the AS/AD models that your heart desires; to Coach Dunn, a new baseball commentator to keep you company when you’re up in the press box hanging out with Marinelli and McKeon; to Coach Linfors, a tight end that can catch more than one touchdown in a season; to Coach Trujillo, an MMA ring to do all the wrestling you want; to Cody McKeon, a new story to tell freshmen that doesn’t involve a certain internet “celebrity”; to the MAS Counselors, a “That’s What I call Music - 80s greatest hits CD” to listen to during college admissions grind time; to Mrs. Reynaldo, a couple of Knaus Berry Farm Cinnamon Rolls to eat next time you’re in line with a special someone; to Mr. Croke, a DVD copy of The Big Lebowski, as you always embodied the ideals of the Dude, to Mr. Leon (even though I never had you as a teacher), a round of Raising Canes on me next time I’m in the Homestead area.
I, Francisco Voigt, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Ciocca, for dancing before class; Dr. Lee, for watching Cocaine Cowboys every year; Mr. Ferguson, for throwing chairs across the room.
I, Stephen Zayas, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mrs. Elizabeth Hernandez a class full of students who do not like BL; to Mr. Busatto, a game-worn 2013 Miami Heat jersey of Damian Lillard after he completed the first four-peat with the 2010s Heat roster without Dwyane Wade.
I, Diego Zedan, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazon to not get so mad at students when they say "ummmm" when they are publicly speaking.