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Writer's pictureJoseph Busatto

Seniors Last Will & Testament - Class of 2024

Updated: May 20

In alphabetical order below:

I, Richard Aguilar, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Ciocca take you for Mr. Darp

I, Lucas Alonso, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Fernandez, keep on never showing up to class even though you're always at school; to Dr. Lee, keep on always believing in your students and pushing them to be the best that they can; to Mr. O’Brien, thank you for putting up with me when I would fall asleep almost every class; to Mr. Benitez, keep on making American History interesting and inspiring students with your advice and amazing stories; to Mr. Ulloa, thank you for giving us all a second chance to re-do our final paper when we all got caught using ChatGPT; to Mr. Frazier, thank you for making geometry an interesting subject to learn and making it somewhat fun; to Sra. De La Hoz, I hope you never forget your best period ever Período Cinco; to Mr. Baez, thank you for your inspiration, stories, and most importantly the advice you gave us all love you old man hope you enjoy your Bronco (should’ve gone with a white one). Thank you to every teacher, faculty, and staff I have interacted with in my 4 years at Columbus as you have been an inspiration throughout.

I, Cristian Alvarez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazon, stop yelling minus 80 on your next quiz to the upcoming students; to Mr. Santa Maria, every time I came to your class I looked forward to talking about food; to Mr. O'Brien, please keep on tormenting these upcoming students and tell your crazy stories; and to Mr. Baez, please keep on telling your stories you told us from when you lived in New York and when you broke up with your girlfriend on your way up to Tallahassee. Thank you to all the teachers that made me become the man I am today and thank you for making my Columbus experience something to remember for the rest of my life.

I, Charles Arencibia, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. O'Brien, a bunker in eastern Europe; to Mr. Busatto, all rights to the Twig publication; to Mr. Hermida, a 6.34 pound coconut.

I, Sebastian Arritola, being of sound, mind, and body do hereby bequeath: to Dr. Lee, granting me steadfastness and adversity in all I do, while being one of the most joyous and motivating teachers I've ever had; to Mr. Chacon, an old, antiquated soul that invigorates any student that comes across him; to Mrs. Reynaldo, a newfound love for Chemistry and the realm of investment; to Mr. Busatto, a voice for Columbus' student body and a swift Super Bowl victory for the Dolphins; to Mrs. Noy, a wonderful son and a plethora of Cafe Cubano; to Mr. Machado, an indefinite supply of pre-workout and charisma; to Mr. Crossman, the legacy of "Soldier Boy" and engaging conversation; to Mr. Hermida, more ammo for your Nerf Guns; to Mrs. Fernandez, little-to-no late and early release students; to Mr. Pittaluga, a petition to lower UM's tuition; and to Mr. Cooper, an internal click track for all your drummers and new drum sets. Thank you profusely for an unparalleled high school experience.

I, Lucas Artime, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Baez, a room full of good-looking single mothers; to Ms. McCullaugh, a never-ending class prayer full of intentions; to Ms. Taylor, a bottomless supply of plastic water bottles; to Mr. Pelegrin, a restraining order and Julian Pineda’s shaved head; to Mr. Hermida, your high school junior ring being returned by your ancient ex-girlfriend; to Mr. Diaz, a screening of Casablanca in a theater; Mr. Ulloa and Ms. Rayneri, that box of really nice cigars; Mr. Kumer, a really fancy dinner conversation with John Rogers and Chad with his leaf; Ms. D, a cure to your caffine addiction; to Mr. Ortega, my AP Chinese exam; to Mrs. K Gonzalez, a Presidente Supermarket full of delinquentes on a Pachanga Friday; to Mr. Aviles, a Super Bowl win for the Dolphins and an unbreakable Smartboard; to Dr. Dugard, a good season for the Cowboys and a nice steak dinner to prepare for Ms. Taylor; to Mr. Marti, a life supply of Taco Bell and really bad horror movies; to Ms. Clute, unlimited excused visits to the Mas office for the seniors; to Mr. Moro, a successful career on TikTok where we can continue to “Ask Questions.”; and to the rest of Columbus, a sincere thank you for the amazing time these last 4 years have been.

I, Alexander Bao, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Busatto, I leave you my Beli secret restaurant spots; To Mr. Campbell, I leave you my shiesty; To Mr. Deville, I leave you my terraria save file; To Mrs. Vessiere, I don't know what to leave you but I didn't even think I'd be in school today.

I, Miguelangel Barcelo, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Bustatto for always saying "HEY" when Lucci would say something and making us laugh; and to Mr. Leon for someone giving him a lifetime supply of his Celsius.

I, Carlos Barco, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Ms. Hernandez, the PLTW detective; to Mr. Hermida, for making my first year here enjoyable; to Mr. Baez, for the jokes and stories in class; and to all other Columbus teachers that I’ve had, thank you for the experiences and all what you’ve given to me to continue on.

I, Isaiah Barriobero, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Cooper, a successful season for the Jets; to Mr. Ferguson, 2 dozen bottles of Monster; to Mr. Pelegrin, a class that reads Reminds; to Mr. Crossman, a trip down the abstraction ladder; to Mr. Hermida, a long train ride across the state; to Mrs. Romero, a class that memorizes the unit circle; to Mr. Baez, some C9H8O4 after teaching our class; to Mr. Kumer, a triumphant battle with a bear; to Mr. Barrentine, a lucrative bitcoin investment; to Mr. Busatto, a class that changes the file from a 1 to a 2.

I, Hiram Barroso, being sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To the esteemed Mr. O'Brien, I bequeath the entirety of my unutilized scholastic exercises, commonly known as blank homework papers. May he find a worthy use for this trove of pristine parchment; To the honorable Mr. Chacon, I leave a most cherished possession: the right to bestow my given name, Hiram, upon his forthcoming male offspring. May this moniker serve as a constant reminder of the enduring love he had trying to learn and say my name.

I, Nicholas Berry, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Chica, Night Watch.

I, Benjamin Blackburn, being of sound body and mind do hereby bequeath: Mr. Corazon, uhhhhhhhhhh; Mr. O’Brien, sassy OB 4L; Mr. Ciocca, a book of dad jokes; Coach Dunn, double left birdman; Coach Clark, a birdie on hole 16 over the lake; Mrs. McCullagh, great times in the MAS conference room; Mrs. Taylor, the biggest plastic water bottle; Mr. Pelegrin, an unlimited supply of potato bread; and Mr. Busatto, a day in the life of Erik Spoelstra.

 I, Alvaro Blanco-Hernandez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Santamaria, I want to leave you with a thank you for the so little you have for my life; I can't wait for my bachelor party in Korea (you are invited); To Mr. Leon (Gibby), I leave you with my LA fitness membership and a lifetime supply of Celsius. Love you fr and thank you for the best 2 years of my life.

I, Sebastian Broche being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Delgado and Mrs. Inusa, although I will miss you both very much, I’m glad I never have to turn in another mentoring grade. Thank you for the best 4 years in Columbus and for helping shape me into the man I am today.

I, Daniel Cabarrocas, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: the rest of my extra lunch money to Mr. Harriman.

I, Alejandro Calderin, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, in sincere gratitude for his willingness to help us, his patience for everyone during assignments, and his funny personality that made learning enjoyable.

I, Marco Camacho, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Ciocca a straight edge to every student; To Mr. Campbell a world where Lebron is better than MJ, To Mr. Baez a class that wouldn't do a million dollars for anything; and to Mr. Busatto a fixed jumper.

I, Alejandro Campos, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr Lynch, thank you for everything even though I had you for a semester but it realistically more like a quarter, I’ve enjoyed everything that you’ve taught me and you are the only person who can make me interested in the government and politics, thank you for raising my awareness and changing my viewpoint for the better.

I, Matthew Campos, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: I'm grateful to all my teachers during high school for their support and guidance. Thank you for helping me grow and learn over the past four years. To Mr. Busatto I leave my putter so he can improve his short game.

I, Kenneth Canales, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: the nickname of "tiniest man on campus" to Mr. Leon; to Mr. Deville I'll leave a snack from brothers or a cafeteria cookie; to Mr. Corazon I will leave you all the homework and essays I procrastinated to do; and to Coach Grant I will quit my job.

I, Alexander Casanova, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Coach Garrigo, I declare to never give up. Thank you for everything you have done for me Coach JR. I will always make sure to watch out for the high beams; to Coach Moscoso, I declare to never stop being the hard-working person I am. You truly showed me that hard work will always come to fruition by standing by my side during my two years with you as a Coach and I can't thank you enough. I will make sure to keep the cursing to a minimum. Thank you both Coach JR and Moscoso, and I hope you both know you have affected my life in an immeasurable amount.

I, Daniel Castano, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Ventura, another marker to throw at people while they sleep.

I, Daniel Castro, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Scholer my appreciation for all of his guidance and teachings and most importantly his story’s that always made me laugh and helped me enjoy your class and help me want to go to your class. I would also like to thank you for helping me shape me into more of a young man for always keeping everything real and helping me whenever help was needed.

I, Wyatt Claughton, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Baez, Thank you for always looking out for all of us, I'll be back to let you know I’m all good next year, OFF TO COLLEGE!… Ms. Khan Roberts, Thank you for everything, still working on the Spanish, WAYNE OUT!… And thank you to the rest of the amazing teachers at Columbus, Best 4 years of my life.

I, Christian Cofino, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Leon, a Dolphins Super Bowl; to Mr. Oses, letting everyone listen to “How low can you go”; to Mr. Scholer, for the nickname “CC Rider”; to Mr. Santa Maria, a karate chop for every fist bump I try to get; to Mr. Busatto, for more cuts at Grumen; to Mrs. Gonzalez, for more pachangas on Friday. Thank you for making these 4 years of high school an experience I'll never forget.

I, Matthew Coppola, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Corazon, a class where I am always paying attention and not on my computer; to Mr. Ciocca, your amazing dad jokes and always mentioning GDP at the lunch tables; to Mrs.Romero, for the generous snacks and gifts you give to us so we do our best; to Mr. Busatto, being the chillest teacher and being straight to the point. Thank you for all these teachers and those not mentioned for making my high school experience one of the best moments in my life!

I, Javier Cordova, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mrs. Romero, I am 100% confident that (0-0) accounts for the number of teachers that can teach as well as you; Mr. Kumer, may many more students feel the wrath of Gehenna; Mr. Busatto, inspire many more students to be freaks in the Microsoft sheets #excel; Mrs. De la Hoz, De la opp is the goat; Dr. Saavedra, thank you for always keeping me in my place; Ms. D, you have classically conditioned me using positive punishment to be a better person; Mr. Casals you are an honorary sassy shoota; Mrs. Amador, keep reading everyone’s fortunes and scaring them; Mrs. Galvez-Cuesta, please start selling your doodles. I'll be your number one customer; Mrs. Clute, keep being the leading cause of Columbus’ obesity rate; Mr. Lewis, I know you're a Sith Lord; and Coach Moscoso, you're the biggest inspiration I’ve had while at Columbus, thank you. Thank you all for 4 outstanding years.

I, Benjamin Corral, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto, an article turned in before the deadline; Mr. De Tuya, the single debate case I wrote over all 4 years that we didn't even end up running; to Mrs. Romero, the trust that I will lock in and do my edpuzzles this week; to Mr. Ciocca, season tickets to the Panthers so that you may be present at every puck drop; to Mr. Corazon, more FBLA geniuses who might actually show up this time.

I, Sergio Andres Cruz, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, a class that can come up with original last wills and testaments; and to Sr. de la Hoz, a set of dystopian novels.

I, Aiden Cuervo, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Soto, a new admin password; to Ms. Gonzalez, a lifetime supply of ninjas; and to Mr. Ciocca, a banner of a Demand & Supply in Equilibrium graph.

I, Robert Czeremcha, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Linfors I leave you the longest FG in school history; to Coach Dunn thanks for all the morning practices... but in all seriousness thank you for being a great Coach and giving me the opportunity to kick for you, to Mr. Busatto I give up my right on running PIG basketball you may have it back, to Mrs. De la Hoz I resign as your favorite student; to Mr. Trujillo thanks for accepting the kickers..., to Coach Caddy thanks for playing Fortnite with us.

I, Joseph DeLuca, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Leon, you already know you’re number 1 on my list. Thank you for being the best teacher I've ever had, not only did I get a fire learning experience from a fire teacher but I also got a bond with you that will be the same forever, I leave you 4.5 million dollars and 2 tickets to Tortuga next year; To Mr. Deville, thank you for all the cuts I've gotten on my neck and face from getting sent down to shave. I leave you 45 bic razors; To Weber, the only teacher where I consistently learned something every class and recognized it when i saw it, truly an amazing teacher, I leave you a snowman and the city of Copenhagen; To Landera, you are the worst teacher ever (I'm just joking). Thank you for an amazing class experience and times during class I will never forget. I leave you 1 Mario game and a bowser plushie; To Mrs. Gonzalez Rojas, thank you for being such a key point in the friendships I have today because of your class and you helping us break out of our shell during covid; Mr. Campbell, thank you for reminding me about everything Weber taught me lol, nah but for real thank you for being such a cool guy and good teacher but not thank you for not helping me out during the tests; To Mrs. Essig, I really don't appreciate all the essays you're giving us at the end of the year but you're still the best; To Mr. Andres Gonzalez, you are really one of the best teachers here at Columbus, you are really one of the GOATs here.

I, Nicholas Diaz, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, all the articles that people have not turned in this year; to Mr. De Tuya, Mark Diaz, the future of Columbus debate (trust); to Mr. Corazon, more recruits for FBLA and hopes that they also meet people from west palm beach at states; to Mr. Rivero, my road trip playlist for future debate trips; to Mr. Ciocca, future students who actually show up to class; to Mr. Kumer, rule over my neofeudal kingdom.

I, Jorge Diez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, the lord of Cengage, don’t forget you can reach me at 1-800 catch these hands for the rarities; to Mrs. D, I will always remember to lick my lollipop when I hear Pavlov; to Coach Kam, I will never understand why that beard is so pluckable; and to Mr. Baez, the GOAT.

I, Timothy Dirksz, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Machado, I give my weightlifting shoes to you and am grateful for the amazing season.

I, Xavier Diez-Arguelles, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Leon, for always talking about the Miami Dolphins with me; and to Mr. Busatto for always talking about the Miami Heat!

I, Diego Escalante, being sound mind and body do hereby bequeath to Mr Corazon, thank you for making my second and final year at Columbus enjoyable, if I had to grade that I would have to give that a minus 80, and don't ever say um to me... Mr Chica, Night Watch was cool, and thank you for teaching us cool things and that you can find out what you really want to do in life even if it's restarting careers.

I, Javi Escobar, being of sound, mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Coach Steve Hernandez, I leave the Columbus record for most goals in a game

I, Andrew Esquijerosa, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto aka Mr. Wordle, Mr. NBA genius; also to TBK the best food truck ever thank you for bringing me joy. As well as the school of Christopher Columbus for the memories and the new friendships that I will have for a lifetime.

I, Anthony Eymil, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Leon I want to thank him for being the chillest and being somebody I could always talk to and I would like to give thanks to the rest of my teachers because they made me who I am today.

I, Alejandro Fernandez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Crossman, students not waiting until 11:30 to start their SNJs; to Mr. Busatto, more mini hoop games of PIG; to Mr. Corazon, less minus 80s and less filler words; to Mr. Amador, more competitive kahoot battles; and to Mr. Kumer, less all nighters for annotated bibs. Thank you for these last 4 years.

I, Daniel Fernandez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mrs. De la Hoz I leave you a Nokia to defend yourself from ratchet New York girls who try you; and to Mrs. Romero I leave you my hair product and routine for super soft hair.

I, Julian Garcia, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Santa Maria many more off topic conversations; to Mr. Baez to more storytelling; and to Mr. O’Brien his love for the Stuka aircraft.

I, Austin Garcia-Hall, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mrs. Khan-Roberts, you have taught me a lot and helped me through more than you can think of, you're such an amazing teacher I don't think I could put Spanish words with it. I know I barely passed your class and my Spanish was terrible, like absolutely terrible, you've taught me a few words "El Arte de Vencer se Aprende en las Derrotas." I wish you many more in the future and I hope to see you again.

I, Dominic Gatto, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, my fried MacBook from all of the Log’s design work; to Mrs. Martinez, a 500 dollar Costco gift card for food; to Mrs. Galvez, a day off; to Mrs. Amador, a lifetime supply of bad photos; to Mr. Pelegrin, a student who will always complete their IXLs; to Mr. Gomez, a microwave; and to every other teacher, a big thank you for all your hard work and dedication to each and every one of your students..

I, John Glassford, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: I want to thank all my teachers for everything they have done for me. Especially Coach Dukes for doing all that he did for my group of guys to fish. He did the most for us to be able to go out and experience new things and let us connect with the school in different ways. It was a great 4 years and all of you guys made it possible for me.

I, Carlos Gobel, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Corazon, the phrase “never say umm to me”; to Mrs. Romero, don’t forget the context; to Mr. Baez, imaginary friends speaking to you from the window; to Mr. Pelegrin, the Tennessee lifestyle; and to Mr. Crossman, the “Soulja Boy” dance. Thank you to all teachers mentioned and not mentioned for giving me a memorable Columbus experience. Adelante!

I, Andres Gomez, being sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Machado I will leave my Smash Bro skills to you; To Mr. Santa-Maria I will remember all the long and extensive lessons you taught us: To Mr. Frazier, I appreciated all the jokes you made and making math fun, "chicken fri rice": To Mr. Cantor I will leave you my knowledge of the parts of the spine, the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar

I, Jonathan Gomez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Baez, the great BDB, for chemistry and giggles; to Mr. Chica, to keep introducing others to a great deal of medical knowledge as I was; to Mrs. Taylor, for great guidance and endless pages of Biozone; to Mr. Crossman, conditioning my writing through endless SNJs; to Mr. Kumer, many more gehennas; to Mr. Hermida making U.S. history fun; to Mr. Pelegrin engulfing every theme in Hamlet; and to Mr. Busatto never ending wise guidance on Cengage.

I, Jonathan Ryan Gomez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Diaz, a hat of his choosing; to Mr. Gonzales, a guide to Super Smash Bros Ultimate; to Mr. Santa Maria, a copy of my future license; to Mrs. Essig, a scented Nico Ferrer candle; to Mrs. Hernandez, a mute doppelganger that sits where I once sat; to Mr. Harriman, 46 impossible crossword puzzles and a concealable speaker that only plays rock music; to Mrs. Acevedo AND Mrs. Leonard, thanks for all the help, Math is hard and you made it a little less hard; to Mrs. Reynaldo, a large sum of extra credit and Raviolis.

I, Mitchell Gomila, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Santa Maria for always making class enjoyable and I give you some new figures for your collection.

I, Camilo Guerrero, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath, to Mr. Davis, buen Camino

I, Gabriel Guillen, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Scholer, a man I see as a second father. Having you as a teacher for my last year of high school has made this my favorite year in all of high school. From all the funny crazy stories and wild experiences to the Grateful Dead talks and classic songs you play in between classes. You go down as one of the best teachers of all time. Thank you for preparing me for college because I know that everything in Scholer’s life notes will be used at least once in my life. Just a few of the many things you do that show you deserve the “Teacher of the Year” award…Teacher, Coach, Castaway, Writer, Producer, Mentor, Dad, Dead head and even more. It’s crazy how much you have gone through during this school year and you still show up every day to put smiles on kids' faces. You are the teacher every student wants to have and that every alumni will always remember. I hope one day we will be able to watch a live show and have a good time. P.S. check my senior quote

I, Daniel Guzman, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Harriman and Mr. Sanchez, an amazing Smash Bros team; to Mr. Ulloa and Mr. Diaz, films we can be proud of. Thank you for bringing so much fun to my Columbus experience.

I, Ty Guzman, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Hermida, better breakfast restaurants than Lincoln’s Waffle Shop and students who don't talk about the wrong type of camps on the AP Exam; to Mr. Moro, a successful Youtube and Tiktok career and remember, don’t be a stranger; Ms. Taylor, keep screaming chico at every wrong a student does.

I, Oliver Herrero, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: For Mr. Campbell: front row tickets to the Ohio State National Champions Game; To Ms. Llontop, all of my unfinished ixl's; to Mr. Leon: an unlimited supply of celsius; to Mr. Busatto: my Miami restaurant list; to Coach Dukes: my late appearances to practice; to Mr. Corazon: minus 80 on your taxes.

I, Sebastian Hidalgo, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Harriman, hopefully they let you slide. Mr. Busatto, I leave MR. BUSARITOOOOO, hopefully the pub sub situation never comes back; Mr. Pugh, I leave you the greatest water polo season you've ever seen; Ms. De La Hoz, we all know Rob was the favorite; Coach Dunn, I fixed my shoes coach; Mr. Saavedra thank you for sitting me in the back corner; Mrs. Medico for holding the record for the most negative points in jeopardy; Mr. Leon, thank you for all the good times and teaching us to be better men; Mr. Trujillo, to the last Hidalgo brother of Columbus; Mrs. Acevedo, VEDO thank you for everything; Mr. Benitez, Shave Ur Belly rebellion; Mr. Amador, look how the time flies; Mr. Rene Rodriguez for being the walkathon CHAMP; and Mr. Deville. Caddy Shack, thank you for being like another brother to me, what a class to end Columbus with.

I, Jason Ibarra, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath to: Mr. Frazier: HEYYYY BUBBB!; Mr. Berch: the island boy class; Mr. Busatto: A Heisenberg poster; Mr Leon: the OG period 3 class; Mr. Campbell: DOGS WILL BE DOGS; Mr. O’Brien: “The Next One”; Mr. Garrigo: a sparring match; Mr. Casals: a pet hobbit; and Mr. Baez: A toupe.

I, Alexander Kondrat, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Ms. Taylor, my biozone; to Mr. Hermida, formal, functional, and vernacular regions with their cornfields; to Mr. Pelegrin, a headrub; to Mr. Lynch, Jamaica; and to Mr. Busatto, the ability to lock-in.

I, Amaar Khwaja, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Corazon’s right to give -80 to an assessment; to Sra. De La Hoz, a toy tiger; to Mr. Hermida, the perfect coconut; to Ms. Leonard, Google++; to Mr. Pelegrin, a crate of protein shakes; and to Mr. Ciocca, properly working markers.

I, Franco Laratelli, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto, you can reach me at 1-800 CATCH THESE HANDS (make sure to get those rarities); Mr. Corazon, uhhhhhhh sir ummmmm like umm !MINUS 80!; Mr. Pelegrín, I NEED whatever razor you use; Mrs. Amador, I’m your favorite student (obviously, I mean literally everyone knows that.) right..?; Mrs. Clute, I think I’ve (happily) gained AT LEAST 20 pounds from all the snacks you give us; and Mr. Lewis, still not sure why I applied to all those schools but thank you for having faith in me in the process. Thank you all for the best four years.

I Luis Leal, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: my book meditations by Marcus Aurelius to Mr. Ventura may he gain valuable knowledge that he can apply to the rest of his life; and my precious AirPods to Mr. Leon may he explore the world of music for eternity.

I, Jose Leon, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Busatto you have a sick shark on your arm and your ability to adapt to our youthful language like "sus" and "cap" is inspiring; To Mr Leon, you will be remembered forever in this school; To Mr Diaz, You still owe my class some donuts(coolest class ever); and to O'Brien, I am beyond happy to experience the era of "sassy OB-0.5"

I, Adrian Leonard, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. O’Brien, for knowing what was in every World War II soldier's pockets.

I, Samuel Levine, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mrs. Foyo, an award for how well you taught me Algebra 2; to Mrs. Mallafre, a zoom where everyone has their cameras on (Johnny especially); to Mr. Baez, a BDB sticker. Thank you for helping me pass your class as much as you did, even though I was absent for most of it; to Mr. Aviles, Mucinex; to Brother Albert Rivera, my missing assignment from Q4 of Spanish; to Mrs. De La Hoz, extra puntos. Thank you for making your class so enjoyable and one that I genuinely looked forward to going to; to Ms. Rodriguez, all of John Thorsells missing assignments; to Mr. Hermida, Albertos cracked/dented iPad; to Mrs. Acevedo, a thank you for helping me as much as you did when I was struggling; to Mr. Dugard, a class of awake students; to Mr. Corazon, a victory in a pickleball game against my dad; to Mrs. Romero, a camera to vlog your travels across the world. Thank you for being so patient and lenient with me throughout the school year, I am extremely appreciative; to Mr. Ciocca, a class without a pop quiz; Mr. Machado, mute button for Brady; to Mr. Trujillo, a meeting where we talk about something other then my attendance; to Mr. Busatto, an award for being the fastest Wordle player; to Mrs. Valdes, a HIP meeting where everyone is actually attending. Thank you for going from being the coolest Blue Missions counselor to the most amazing HIP sponsor. Thank you to all these teachers and those not mentioned for making my Columbus experience something to remember for the rest of my life.

I, Alan Lirman, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, playing mini hoop basketball after finishing the assignment.

I, Patricio Llanos, begin of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Ventura's awesome handle bar mustache.

I, Luciano Longhini, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Thank you Mr. Trujillo for giving me 20 chances at graduating. I’m very surprised I’m graduating.

I, Sebastian Loubet, being sound of mind and body do hereby bequeath: leave Mr. Moscoso my late Ixl grades and my amazing interpretations of all the poems we read; Mr. Chica a new Newton’s craddle aswell as the .67 of a point used to pass my final; to Mr. Linfors I leave the debris of my front bumper that still resides in the baseball parking lot as well as the funds for a security camera in the baseball lot; to Mr. Santa I leave my rants of United’s poor performances; to Mrs. McCullagh I leave my 4 square answers along with Nicolas McCormick’s Danny Fernandez’s and Bermudez’s insightful questions; to Mr. De Tuya I leave all the streaming sites used for the 2022 Wold Cup; to Mr. Bowman I leave a prayer for the orioles to have a decent season; to Mr. Deville I leave an all access account to the golf club of his choice and a better hdmi chord for heardle to work better; to Mrs. Fernandez at the attendance office I leave all of my tardy notes; to the cafeteria staff I leave my cookies, smoothie kings, and chicken tender orders; to Mrs. Hernandez I leave the dirt worm that we used for a project; I leave Mr. Campbell a lifetime supply of Popeyes so he can finally move on from Canes and experience actually decent quality tenders, as well as book containing all of Machado’s prayer intentions; and to Mr. Frazier I leave a pass for the Coral Gables country/golf club with full access

I, Justin Lovo, being sound of mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Lynch your stories about your life always had me waiting for more. The talks about the UFC always had me entertained. Continue that for the next generation. Thank you Mr. Corazon for all the fun times in class we have had, and for taking care of me academically. Thank you Mr. Frazier for the golf ball it's my most prized possession.

I, Lucas Luna, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Deville thank you for giving us those 5 minute snack breaks in class, it really helped me out and lock in. And yes, my girlfriend let me type this one out.

I, Nicholas Luna-Arauz, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Ciocca. Me and my friends would always bring up macroeconomic terms outside of school as a joke and it showed how much we’ve learned from him. Thank you Mr. Ciocca

I, Dante Luzarraga, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Harriman, thanks for having a chill class and accepting my work.

I, Daniel Malabet, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Chacon, a poem that ends in the word aghast; and to Mr. Kumer, a younger brother that is not a complete troll.

I, Alejandro Manas, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto, mini golf.

I, Brandon Martinez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Baez, my attention when you're talking about anything other than chemistry; to Ms. McCullagh, my mustache, to Mr. Busatto, a brand new house; to Mr. Pelegrin, a tub of protein powder; to Ms. Taylor, a reusable metal water bottle; to Mr. Aviles, superbowl tickets for the Miami Dolphins this year. Thank you to all my teachers for giving me a great 4 years as an Explorer !

I, Gabriel Mederos, being sound mind and body do hereby bequeath my skateboard

I, Christian Milan, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Ms. Taylor, an empty biozone and a button that says “chico” when pressed; to Mr. Kumer, a paper that is not submitted two weeks late; to Mr. Baez, a Giants team that doesn’t stink every year; to Mr. Aviles, a hammer to destroy the board; to Mr. Crossman, all of my incomplete SNJs; to Mr. Pelegrin, a pillow for the back wall where I fell asleep countless times; to Ms. Mallafre, a tape recorder so you don’t have to repeat yourself anymore; to Mr. Hermida, a beach with a coconut tree; to Ms. McCullagh, a class of students who don’t ask squirrel questions or mess up prayer; and to Mr. Busatto, a long list of all the nicknames I wasn’t allowed to call you.

I, Jaiden Monivis, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, thank you.

I, Carlos Montes de Oca, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Crossman, my flappy dragon account; to Mr. Busatto, a list of nicknames that are off limits; to Mr. Pelegrin, a fresh new razor; to Mr. Ortega, 5 minutes added to every class period; to Mr. Kumer, a new pet camel to remind him of his favorite one; To Mrs. Vessiere, the removal of bathrooms at Columbus; and a thank you to all of my teachers for a memorable 4 years!

I, Brandon Morales, being of sound body and mind do hereby bequeath my deepest gratitude to all of my teachers especially Mr. O’Brien who taught me more about life than I ever thought I could learn in a history class. Another shoutout to my homeroom teacher Mr. Berch who taught me the importance of attendance and being on time. And to all these teachers left unsaid thank you for making my Columbus experience great.

I Diego Morales-Fuxa being of sound and body do hereby bequeath: gratitude to Mr. Scholer and to continue calling me Fuha, and for teaching me the ways to do a speech.

I, Randy Morales, being of sound mind and body do here bequeath: Thank you Mr. Leon for being the chillest teacher in Columbus; Thank you Mrs. Essig for being a cool teacher and always talking business with me and showing me Photoshop; and thanks Mr. Busatto for letting our class use the mini hoop once in a while.

I, Zayn Niazi, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: a minus 80, every filler word in existence, and a 14 page business plan to Mr. Corazon; My Fender Stratocaster to Christopher Ventura; I send infinite car washes to Mr. Busatto, along with a virus to delete your Cengage and grant all students a 100. I pass on all my financial debt and my Florida Panther’s club seats to Mr. Ciocca; I leave all my NFT’s and my Vanguard account to Mr. Berch; I am assigning 1000 Khan Academies to Mr. Alegret along with an unlimited Krispy Kreme gift card; All my paintings and art materials will go to Mr. Gomez, Thank you Sir for always making me laugh and being the most chill teacher ever. Thank you for all of your wisdom and guidance, and not only did you make me a better artist, but a better man; I give all the rest of my assets along with the scraps of the intercom camera I ran over, to Mr. Trujillo and Mr. Pugh as a thank you for believing in me and always having my back.

I, Alejandro Paniagua, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Morrissey, my 11-0 game on Gelo.

 I, Bryan Parente, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Campbell/ Coach AD, you were a mentor and a great teacher in the classroom and on the Field. Thank you for everything you have helped me with and I will carry some things onto my future but not math that's not my thing but you did help a lot with that too; Mr. Corazon although at first you looked pretty intimidating once you started teaching it was the total opposite no offense. You were a teacher that was easy to talk to and have fun but learn, learning was easy because I actually enjoyed it Thank you. -80! Mr. Busatto even though your class was possibly one of the hardest classes I've ever had, you made it fun and easy, and talking to you was like talking to a friend, you understood new movies and games and are possibly one of the easiest people I've talked too thank you for everything.

I, Fernando Pascual, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath to Mr. Crossman, a win in the Castaways soccer tournament; To Mr. Garcia-Casals, an extension on all your tasks; To Mr. Baez, a very close male friendship; To Mr. Ortega, a working pencil sharpener; To Mr. Pelegrín, a student that absolutely loves poetry; To Mr. Ferguson, that you can create capacitors one day; To Mr. Ciocca, that you increase your daily quiz streak every year; To Mr. Busatto, a business club field trip; and To Mrs. Mallafre, that all her students to grow and mature from sophomore to senior year.

I, Alexis Penalver, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath this thanks to my teachers: Mr. Ferguson, thank you for having the patience to teach something totally foreign; Mr. Ortega thank you for assigning us homework every single day it was really effective at helping me learn calculus; Mr. Pelegrín, thank you for helping me enjoy literature; Mr. Ciocca, Columbus wouldn’t be the same without your multiple quizzes per week and I appreciate you putting me on to Keynesian’s theory; Mr. Kumer, thank you for putting me on to Wrexham; and lastly, Mr. Busatto, I appreciate your inspiring leadership of The Log.

I. Jordan Perez being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Scholer, Mr O'Brien, Mr. Bowman. These were my three favorite teachers at Christopher Columbus HS. These three teachers were outstanding and were the best teachers on this campus hands down. I have a lot of appreciation for these teachers and I'm grateful for what they do. Thank you.

I, Tristan Pineda, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Baez to teaching real world problems alongside unbelievably hard chemistry, thank you for supporting Cam and I throughout our years while bringing a laugh to our faces; to Mr. Leon for being a consultant to the friend group, even though I never had your class you’ve been a great mentor with jokes to appreciate; to Mr. Hermida for a bearable and interactive history class, thank you for my letter of recommendation and the many late grades you chose to accept, I don’t take your class or you as a teacher for granted; to Mr. Busatto aka 'Satto for being the closest thing to one of the boys even though he has that 60s slick back, I hope for the best for the face of the Log, he deserves it; to the SAC women who made our senior year one that we won’t forget Mrs. Alonso and Ms. Brown, thank you for hosting breakfast so we didn’t have to wake up earlier at home, you guys are the moms of the C; to my therapist more than my counselor, Coach Areces, I’m grateful to have had a mentor like yourself for one year let alone all three I was on campus for; to my early morning workout buddy, Mr. Pelegrin, I aspire to be the level of jacked father status you’ve reached for your girls; last but far from the least, to Mr. Corazon for teaching us even though he’s already almost a billionaire, thank you for making the most important class in Columbus a little more bearable for us; and finally to the C, the ship, the best high school I could’ve chose to represent, I couldn’t imagine my four years going any different then how it went. I’ve made an unimaginable amount of close bonds that now hold forever and I wish I could remember all the laughs along the way. Columbus sports mentally constructed me into a better man leaving here than when I first came in and I’m forever grateful. Coach Steve from lacrosse, Coach Trujillo and Coach Dunn from football, Coach Wick from track and their respected coaching staff did so much for my character development and allowed me to be in the position I am today. As I leave Columbus, I’m forever thankful to be continuing my football and academic career alongside my twin brother, we are mindfully blessed and appreciative of everything Columbus has done for us.

I, Kaleb Pomeranc, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Busatto, I leave papi cengage; To Mr. Corazon, we are reporting no profits this year; To Mr. Lynch, keep movin', Pete; To Mr. Harriman, “What’s for lunch” and Bene Casa 4L; To Ms. De La Hoz, thank you for senior lunch, and don’t forget Yom Kippur; To Mr. Ulloa, keep reading those amazon reviews; To Ms. Bell, thank you for the most entertaining class. To Mr. Scholer, stay young hippie; To Mr. Croke, see you at southwest; Finally, to Mr. Baez papi Lou tu eres dominicano.

I, Marcelo Quiñones, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: will give my money all to Mr Leon and gym car to him.

I, Eduardo Quintero, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Ms. D, thank you for all your help and advice; to Mr. Leon, the godfather; to Mr. Baez, an educational conversation that was more educational than the actually material we were learning that class; to Mr. Busatto, let me get you a Dr Pepper; to Mr. Santa Maria, for classes full of laughter and random class discussions. Thank you to all these teachers and those not mentioned for making these 4 years at Columbus something to remember for the rest of my life.

I, Andres Ramirez-Vital , being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazón, students that don’t say Um and turn the homework in on time.

I, Joshua Ramos, being of mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Leon a message. I want to say Mr. Leon that I thank you for being the best teacher for these past two years. You have seriously been the best and I thank you for being not only a teacher but a best friend and a memory that I will cherish for the rest of my life; To Mr. Corazon, I wish I had taken all of your classes and you have no clue how much I regret that. Regardless, I thank you for teaching me life lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. If I ever need financial advice, I'll know who to go to; and finally to Mr. Santa-Maria, the man the myth the legend and the key to Kendall. To me going to your class to bother you every morning, you are the goat. I hope you follow me on Instagram after I graduate. Thank you all for a great high school experience.

I, Kevin Remar, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Chacon, no more IXL's due on Sundays; to Mr. Benitez, that nun must've regretted what she said; to Mrs. De la Hoz, bring the Nokia phone in a glass case and showcase it; to Mr. Busatto, keep helping with the work even if you have to repeat yourself plenty of times; Mr. Santa Maria, thank you for making learning really fun; Mr. Deville, no more directed readings they were too long.

I, Luis Revuelta, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Baez, thank you.

I, Ricky Reyes, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, I appreciate all the 70 task assignments that you have given us.

I, Daniel Riva, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Busatto a proper degree from Cengage University.

I, Daniel Rivera, being of sound, mind, and body do hereby bequeath: Mr. Corazon, never say “um” to me, “minus 80”, “stop laughing, this is school”. Thank you for giving me some of the best memories I ever had in Columbus. From junior year, walking into your class was the best decision I have ever made. I remember the first project you ever gave us in my Entrepreneurship class and I came up with the stupidest idea of my life by creating an auto shop filled with a bunch of Lamborghini's. That created a memory that I will look back to and laugh at myself. Thank you for teaching me lessons that I will use in my life. Lastly, thank you Columbus for giving me the best 4 years of my life and a brotherhood. Peace Out!

I, Antonio Roca, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto: I still have you in mini golf.

I, Lucas L. Rodriguez, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazon, “MINUS 80” thank you for being one of the only teachers to teach us things we will actually use in our lives like writing checks or managing our money; to Mr. Baez, to all the crazy stories I’ve heard, all the memories made, and the lessons learned sophomore year from stupid decisions, thank you Baez I’m going to miss you. And thank you to all of the teachers who’ve taught me throughout and gotten me to the end of the road.

I, Nicholas Roiz, being of sound mind and body do hear by bequeath: Mr. Joseph “J-Boogie” Busatto as God’s Silliest Soldier. A man hungry for success and knows how to get to it. The man who reminded me how to be a writer. I grant this man full access to my internet browsing history, $5000 Dollars, and my thanks for everything he’s done for me. Grant him tickets to all upcoming Dune movies as well.

I, Jovan Rojas, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: To Mr. Ferguson, my 0/1000 test grade; to Mr. Pugh, my lunch; to Mr. Ortega, my two full homework notebooks; to Mr. Pelegrin, a face massager; to Mr. Ciocca, my beauty sleep; to Mr. Crossman, my Sunday Nights; to Mr. Hermida, Jocz productions; to Ms. McCullagh, my prayer intentions; to Mr. McKeon, my banner; to Mr. DeTuya and Mr. Garcia, my gi; and to Banyan, lined parking spaces.

I, Lucas Rubiera, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Baez, thanks for always giving me advice and talking about life; to Mr. Gomez, for always telling stories and talking about anything.

I, Carlos Saladrigas, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Coach Dukes, I leave my fishing rods; and to Mr. Corazon, I leave my pickleball

I, Julio Salcedo, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto for being the coolest teacher I have had in Columbus; and to Mr. Santa Maria, for making me laugh and enjoy learning about cool things.

I, Gunther Schopfer, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Mr Corazon to stop taking away phones for the whole day, and to stop making students stand up when caught falling asleep.

I, Martin Seals, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Garrigo, me actually being in homeroom for once; to Mr. Busatto, more funny names like J Boogie and the whole class surrounding your desk like disciples; to Mr. De Tuya, more laughs, trips &, success across the country. Also to more funding (going broke mid-year was fun) and death to the debate form of Congress; to Ms. Essig, more interesting conspiracy theories, awesome yearbooks, and volleyball wins; Ms. Debra Martinez & Ms. Gonzalez Rojas, more LINK success; to Mr. Santamaria, more really good food spots and funny political banter that always goes back to "make me"; to Ms. Brown & Ms. Alonso, more SAC success and having me never stop talking in class or on SAC trips; to the Amador Brothers (Richard & Randall), thank you for always having a bubbly personality and comfortable class; to Ms. Valdes, thank you for your commitment to HIP. Also for always pressing me to get a job and stop saying yes to everything; to Ms. McCullagh, more long and detailed prayers, acronyms like QTIP & LLP, quick witted responses, and Rick Scott; to Dr. Lee, thank you for allowing me to experience South Africa and showing me what a real super hero looks like. Healthy wishes; to Mr. Benitez, thank you for an honestly hilarious class filled with stories and comments towards Stephenson and I. Also for committing to voting for me in the future even though "that's technically communism"; to Mr. Cooper, thank you for allowing me to revisit my passion for music and how to live life that much better; to Mr. Hermida, thank you for an unforgettable Model UN trip to UF and making APUSH one of my favorite classes. The emissary will be back; to Coach Dukes, more of being one of the busiest guys on campus and making the South Africa trip possible; to Mr. Campbell, more freestyles in class and hopefully never losing your luggage again. And more of Mr. White saying "What's up playa"; to Mr. Connell aka Cowboy, the greatest character name on campus; to my football coaches (Trujillo, Dunn, Barrentine, Deville...) even more success and hard work than the year before; to Mr. Ulloa, more great Legend of Zelda games and photos; to Ms. Medico, thank you for always calling me the President and support anywhere I see you; to Mr. Alegret, thank you for also always calling me the President and introducing me to prayer reading with your mother; to Mrs. Khan-Roberts, more Spanish classes starting with some dancing or baila (is that the right conjugation); to Mr. Ortega, thank you for dealing with me in summer school and the support afterwards; to Mr. Frazier, more golfing, tennis, ping pong, and all other sports you play both inside and outside of the class. Never have I had a more fun math class; to the CCNN moderators Mr. Delgado and Mrs. Insua, thank you for being another example of where hard work can get you: the best broadcast program in the country; to Ms. Bell, for being my first class ever at Columbus; to Mr. Andres Fernandez, a FitBit to track your steps and a UFC subscription; to Mr. Emmanuel Gonzalez, lifetime Disney world passes; to Mr. Cody McKeon, even more Uconn drip; to Mr. Staiano, the Titans going the distance. To Dr. E. Carter Burrus, thank you for believing in me freshman year and your never ending support all 4 years of my career here; And to the rest of Columbus, anyone who I have not mentioned, thank you for being a such a pivotal part of my high school career and helping run the best high school in the world. Thank you for your hard work and commitment to Columbus's eventful culture. Adelante!

I, Massimo Semper, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. O’Brien that to him I leave my left kidney as his failed approximately 400 times and would like to thank him for the great tale of the Columbus treasure and many others; and to Mr. De Tuya, I leave you the entire country of Italy and a guitar. Thank you all for everything.

I, Marcus St. John, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto for his help with FBLA and the article creation process; to Mr Corazon I appreciate his help with FBLA and the lack of -80’s I’ve received.

I, Sebastian Taubas, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Corazon, less seniors experiencing senioritis-maximitus and to stop all likes and um's from every being said; to Ms. Taylor, a better and more clean closet; to Mr. Diaz, a perfect fantasy football draft and hope for the Dolphins upcoming season; to Mr. Gomez, a thank you for teaching me to paint even while being colorblind; and to Mrs. Reynaldo, students who are ready to work. I thank you all for my Columbus experience.

I, Alexander Torres, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath: Thank You to all of my teachers.

I, Lucas Torres, being of sound mind and body hereby bequeath: leave my late assignments to Mr. Busatto.

I, Elijah Usma, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr. Busatto, a bag of nerds; to Mr. Soto, my copy of the first Splatoon game; to Mr. Rodriguez, my old fidget spinner; to Ms. Essig, the journal I bought 4 years ago but never used for school; to Mr. Harriman, a tips and tricks video on how to win in Wordle; to Ms. Romero, my rubix pyramid; to Coach Guest, my old pair of baseball cleats; to Ms. McCullagh, my Thomas Jefferson ornament; to Mr. Santa Maria, my copy of Scott Pilgrim Vol 2; to Mr. Amador, my yo-yo; to Mr. Alegret, a pack of Chips Ahoy Cookies; to Ms. Aycart, my skateboard that I never used; to Mr. Fernandez, my Black Panther lanyard; to Mr. Casals, my copy of Catcher in the Rye that I never read; to Mr. Gonzalez, my Adventure Time watch; to Mr. Meneses, a fist bump; to Mr. Mendoza, my spare tire for my car; to Ms. Mendoza, a $15 Arby’s gift card; to Mr. Landera, the yellow belt I got for Tae Kwan Do; to Mr. Aviles, a jug of Vaseline; to Mr. Scholer, a tye dye t shirt; to the other Mr. Amador, a smiley face sticker; to Mr. Hermida, a ticket to Disneyland (not Disney World); to Mr. Deville, a pack of pencils; to Ms. Acevedo, the desk I sat in during my 7th grade, Civics class; to Mr. Ulloa, my Thanos Funko Pop; to Mr. Ferguson, 3 hotwheel race car toys; to Mr. Ventura, a cup I painted for Easter in 4th grade; and to Dr. Dugard, a bottle of orange juice. Thank you to all my teachers for helping me throughout the years and I appreciate you all for making my time at Columbus a good time.

I, Lucas Valiente, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: my copyright for the saying, “hey bub” to both Charles Frazier and Danny Casals so that they may split royalties whenever it is said.

I, Marcos Villarreal, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and for helping me take this next step in my life. I will forever be grateful for what Columbus has done for me.

I, Andres Wallis, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath: to Mrs. Medico, I'll leave behind a new name for you which will be MISSS and thank you for being a great teacher; to Mr. Diaz, a new mega phone and thank you for being a great teacher and an awesome film club moderator; To Mr. Ulloa, a bowl of some Lo Mein (Mo lien) and thanks being a great film club moderator; To Mr. Lynch, thank you for being a great teacher and giving me all the great and funny memories in your class about the French and Indian War; To Mr. Cooper, I leave behind a Jets Super Bowl win and also a thank you for being a great teacher; To Mr. Campbell, I leave behind a Cowboys Super Bowl win and also thank you for being a great teacher and having a funny class; To Mr. Busatto, Thank you for a great and awesome class and being an awesome teacher; To Mr. O’Brien, Thank you for the awesome class and stories you told us, thank you for being an awesome teacher.

I, Joseph Wehbe, being of sound and body do hereby bequeath: to Mr.Pugh, thank you sir for the friendship you've built with us this year. Your dedication and non-stop hustle for this school is truly inspirational. I look forward to coming back here and naming a building after us and the guys.

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